Maliciously Delicious wrote:
I import it into AI, and when I click on part of them it highlights everything in blue, is there a way I can only select certain parts of the image? I see that they are all seperated but it highlights more than what I want to export.
Have you tried using the Direct Selection tool (shortcut: A), you should be able to do it that way. Just click on one of the paths and it should only select that one.
Maliciously Delicious wrote:
My second part of the question is, since I want to use this on my website that I am working on in Photoshop, should I export it in AI as a JPEG?
You should be able to go to the "save for web & devices" option (shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S), and select either .jpg, or .gif. Depending on the shape you might want to use .gif to preserve transparency.
Hope that answers your questions!