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Location: Geordieland, UK
Fri May 07, 2010 7:43 pm Reply with quote
MamaBallistic wrote: Guys, please, can I make it clear that my chop was my own.... I'm offended that you think it's had something to do with Mark as I'm a very fair person & certainly wouldn't have felt it was right for him to have done any of it given how unfair that would have been on Anna.
I'm not sure why a lynch mob must attempt to knock anything I do on this site but you really need to stop this.
Of course things are going to be slightly along the lines of Marks thinking, we're alike & that's exactly why we're together, otherwise we'd probably hate one another! Not forgetting the fact that it was him who also introduced me to PS properly too.
Is there really any need to put other people down for something that should be fun for them to participate in?
I give up, I really do, I've tried to get along with you all & for whatever reason (I'm guessing because you have had issues with Mark or something - I don't know & don't ask) you still can't give me a break.
I'm finding the fact that you can't treat me as an individual more offensive than any of the comments you have made towards me since I joined PSC.
That's all anyway, I'm sick of justifying myself.
But Marco has used every trick in the book to win at all costs(in fact, he wrote that book here).
So why should I trust you to not be as dodgey as him?
Location: Brazil
Fri May 07, 2010 7:50 pm Reply with quote
mellowdesign wrote: Aww be nice guys...  xx
you didnīt really mean that, right? Me and anfa being NICE??? absurdity!!
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Behind you!
Fri May 07, 2010 7:50 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: good work Rachel... now everyone will feel sorry for you and start sending you messages saying how much they love you and show you support. Nice way to earn pity!
meanwhile... letīs all hate anfa and arc... boooo bad boys!! you should feel ashamed!! boooo
if youīre just like marco, as you said in yer speech, you might as well understand why we donīt like you. And YES, there is marcoīs fingerprints in yer chop...
Oh no, I don't do the sympathy vote thing Arc, I'm far more grown up than that, I was just being completely honest & letting you know how I felt. I was hoping that wouldn't be a problem.
I don't even know what's gone on with yourself & Mark (apart from stuff since October which isn't a lot imo) & nor do I intend to find out, I make my own judgements about people therefore don't need stories from other people to help sway that judgement.
I'm sorry to disappoint you by being mature about this.
Location: Florida
Fri May 07, 2010 7:52 pm Reply with quote
Mark and Mama have been nothing but nice.... They're getting married.... Of COURSE she's going to be influenced by mark.. and vice versa.... if she's learning.. who ya think's teaching her? seriously...
I'm so tired of all the downers here.... ruining the fun...
Location: Brazil
Fri May 07, 2010 7:53 pm Reply with quote
MamaBallistic wrote: Oh no, I don't do the sympathy vote thing Arc, I'm far more grown up than that
ooooohhhhh i think I hear mrs ballistic calling mr ballistic childish!!!
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Brazil
Fri May 07, 2010 7:54 pm Reply with quote
kittie wrote: Mark and Mama have been nothing but nice.... They're getting married.... Of COURSE she's going to be influenced by mark.. and vice versa.... if she's learning.. who ya think's teaching her? seriously...
I'm so tired of all the downers here.... ruining the fun...
go back to the kitchen, Kay...
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Behind you!
Fri May 07, 2010 7:54 pm Reply with quote
anfa wrote: MamaBallistic wrote: Guys, please, can I make it clear that my chop was my own.... I'm offended that you think it's had something to do with Mark as I'm a very fair person & certainly wouldn't have felt it was right for him to have done any of it given how unfair that would have been on Anna.
I'm not sure why a lynch mob must attempt to knock anything I do on this site but you really need to stop this.
Of course things are going to be slightly along the lines of Marks thinking, we're alike & that's exactly why we're together, otherwise we'd probably hate one another! Not forgetting the fact that it was him who also introduced me to PS properly too.
Is there really any need to put other people down for something that should be fun for them to participate in?
I give up, I really do, I've tried to get along with you all & for whatever reason (I'm guessing because you have had issues with Mark or something - I don't know & don't ask) you still can't give me a break.
I'm finding the fact that you can't treat me as an individual more offensive than any of the comments you have made towards me since I joined PSC.
That's all anyway, I'm sick of justifying myself.
But Marco has used every trick in the book to win at all costs(in fact, he wrote that book here).
So why should I trust you to not be as dodgey as him?
Really? This is something I don't know about, as I said to Arc.
You should trust me because I've given you no reason, nor will I give you reason, not to trust me.
I'm a north east girl, you know we just like to enjoy life (admittedly some a lot more than others but there's names for those) & more to the point a large majority of us are honest (again with the exceptions)
Given where I'm from & the fact that I'm extremely traditional about & with my family I'm hardly going to be uploading PS work to Facebook because I'm proud of what I'VE acheived to show my family if Mark had been doing any of it for me.
Location: Geordieland, UK
Fri May 07, 2010 8:01 pm Reply with quote
kittie wrote: Mark and Mama have been nothing but nice.... They're getting married.... Of COURSE she's going to be influenced by mark.. and vice versa.... if she's learning.. who ya think's teaching her? seriously...
I'm so tired of all the downers here.... ruining the fun...
OK that's cool but can we keep this away from the voting in contests. Marco gets too many friend votes and it pisses people off that KNOW their chop is better (technically and imaginatively).
Location: Florida
Fri May 07, 2010 8:04 pm Reply with quote
anfa wrote: kittie wrote: Mark and Mama have been nothing but nice.... They're getting married.... Of COURSE she's going to be influenced by mark.. and vice versa.... if she's learning.. who ya think's teaching her? seriously...
I'm so tired of all the downers here.... ruining the fun...
OK that's cool but can we keep this away from the voting in contests. Marco gets too many friend votes and it pisses people off that KNOW their chop is better (technically and imaginatively).
I don't disagree there... marco has a lot of good chops..... I think we should vote fairly... but that doesn't mean we should vote AGAINST them just because we know who they are either...
Location: In a world of $#!t
Fri May 07, 2010 8:12 pm Reply with quote
Great work people. I got three new favs out of this round.
I want Marco and Mamma in the final round just to see what happens.
I say Mamma would mysteriously disappear. Lol
 Marco would sell his first born to win. 
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Fri May 07, 2010 8:13 pm Reply with quote
Tofu, why don't you start a new thread. This one is too hot for tv.
Location: Geordieland, UK
Fri May 07, 2010 8:15 pm Reply with quote
kittie wrote: anfa wrote: kittie wrote: Mark and Mama have been nothing but nice.... They're getting married.... Of COURSE she's going to be influenced by mark.. and vice versa.... if she's learning.. who ya think's teaching her? seriously...
I'm so tired of all the downers here.... ruining the fun...
OK that's cool but can we keep this away from the voting in contests. Marco gets too many friend votes and it pisses people off that KNOW their chop is better (technically and imaginatively).
I don't disagree there... marco has a lot of good chops..... I think we should vote fairly... but that doesn't mean we should vote AGAINST them just because we know who they are either...
I've never voted against anyone in my long time I've been here. I vote for Marco when I'm up against him out of common curtsey, if he is winning or not. If his chop is so crap and I think it doesn't deserve to be in the position it is in, I have told him in the comment section and he is cool with that.
Fri May 07, 2010 8:16 pm Reply with quote
Is this why you come here to rag on people. I am so sick of hearing about this I think its time for a mod to step in and stop this. Sure u have a right to your opinion but when its constantly offending paying members here it needs to be stopped. If you have prof of your argument and thinks its a just argument go quietly to someone who runs the place and state your problem to them . I cant be the only one who thinks this is unfair and wrong . you have done nothing in your constant complaining but make yourselves look bad and make this an Unenjoyable place for the rest of us .
Location: Montreal
Fri May 07, 2010 8:22 pm Reply with quote
Jake420 wrote: you have done nothing in your constant complaining but make yourselves look bad and make this an Unenjoyable place for the rest of us .
It depends who you are.
_________________ anfa's signature back-up.
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