First of all, Congrats to BC for the win!!!
I dont feel ashamed at all losing to one of the best overall perfomer throughout this H2H edition.
Second, considering that advance stage of the contest, i somehow feel that is my duty to explain the concept of the image because i've noticed from the comments many didn't understand the message, or have not time to analyze it.
Main theme: Nature struggling to survive the greed of humans
It's almost a fight between these 2 sides, one justified , the other completelly not, moderated by the white dove , wearing adamantine armor, dove(peace symbol) which is trying to prevent further destruction, as it happened with the dead rose.
The whole nature started a riot against human deadly expansion (oil rig, cutting woods, pollution..., everything meant to destroy the living), as you can see from sand storm, grim on the standing rose face. The fragility of nature is represented by the glass "clothes", the only thing that could help them live (it's the water recipient in a desert world).
Anyway, i think i talked too much, my image was 70% message (symbols), 30% visual.
It seems I took a wrong bet and lost but still glad that race was pretty tight.
Here's externals, rest is my work.
P.S. even if Claf stated that he has not time for a twice h2h event/year, i think he CANNOT stay away if this would happen

So , I insist .) Cheers and have a great final!