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Location: Behind you!
Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:23 pm Reply with quote
I LOVE seeing Scotland, Wales AND Ireland get beat at most things they do - apart from Olympics & F1 (when they find someone good enough, or sober enough, to race from elsewhere  ) because for some reason we're united again then... otherwise SCREW THOSE GUYS!!!
That said I always get behind Rangers because quite frankly I despise the bloody green & white hoopy poo!!!
A warning to USA.... the end is nigh 
Location: The Netherlands
Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:38 am Reply with quote
So far all world cup matches are disappointing (except Germany - Australia)
...but today, the orange army will show you guys how it's done 
Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:54 am Reply with quote
MamaBallistic wrote: I LOVE seeing Scotland, Wales AND Ireland get beat at most things they do - apart from Olympics & F1 (when they find someone good enough, or sober enough, to race from elsewhere  ) because for some reason we're united again then... otherwise SCREW THOSE GUYS!!!
That said I always get behind Rangers because quite frankly I despise the bloody green & white hoopy poo!!!
A warning to USA.... the end is nigh 
sober enough!! oh yeah the english dont drink alcohol 
Location: Doncaster, South Yorkshire
Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:14 am Reply with quote
MamaBallistic wrote: I LOVE seeing Scotland, Wales AND Ireland get beat at most things they do - apart from Olympics & F1 (when they find someone good enough, or sober enough, to race from elsewhere  ) because for some reason we're united again then... otherwise SCREW THOSE GUYS!!!
That said I always get behind Rangers because quite frankly I despise the bloody green & white hoopy poo!!!
A warning to USA.... the end is nigh 
At least we do have something in common except that I love seeing England getting beat.
That goal sure made my day.
Location: Photoshop Nation
Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:04 am Reply with quote
Bluesbro wrote: arcaico wrote: supak0ma wrote: Bluesbro wrote: Is that what makes it sounds like there were bees buzzing all game. Very annoying for sure. I try to like soccer (ok, football  ) but it is SO boring. And every time someone actually tries to make an offensive move you can bet one or the other of the players near the ball will fall down as if hit by a shotgun blast ... but on replay there was maybe minimal contact if any. And don't even get me started on the freakin prima donnas that get carried off on a stretcher, only to return to the field (ok, pitch  ) 5 minutes later. Rule change number 1 ... if you get carried out on a stretcher your out of the game wimp. If most of those folks would just run the play out they may actually make the game somewhat exciting. Instead, they flop down and roll in agony and waste a minute or two while the ref holds up a card ... just play the game and stop the academy award auditions pussies.
have you ever played a football match? if not i suggest you shut up. 
I second that... shut the fuck up... bet you're a yankee...
I realize the boring comment is my opinion, and totally relative. And I respect your opinions. But what part of anything else I said is not true? The games continuity is ruined by players feigning a near death experience every time two people get within a foot of each other. On slow motion replays it looked like the majority of the time the players were falling down on their own. Wouldn't it be more exciting if they tried to play through the contact a little? They may even force more scoring opportunities  Oh no, can't have that ... lol.
Maybe someone with a more distant perspective can offer some constructive critisism that someone so ingrained in tradition cannot? Yankee or no, I am just calling them as I see them. Feel free to engage in a non name calling debate and prove me wrong.
sorry, but the way i think, to have an opinion you've got to know how something works, at least know the surface, if you don't you're simply having a thought, not an opinion. i completely agree the simulations are irritating, believe me i get really pissed off, but you can't dismiss every contact as that, even if the contact is not as "macho" as you would like it to be, you have to understand the dynamics of this game, when you tackle someone you're aiming for the lower part, the players are running so it is easy to go flying with minimal contact, it's called momentum or inertia. Again if you watch closely you'd see how rough some contacts can be, elbows fly around all the time and players get hurt badly, but that is why there are penalties for rough play, yellow and red cards. If you would understand something about football tactics you would know why in some games there are few scoring occasions, it is a game of chess between the two managers, sometimes they block each other with their moves, sometimes one makes far better decisions than his colleague. Also, the athletes on the field, these are incredible athletes, again, if you've never played it, you can't even start imagining what it takes to play a full 90 minutes match, i assure you it is excruciating for a normal person. The problem with you north americans is the constant macho attitude and the fact that you're obsessed with victory and big numbers, i don't think football will ever pick up over there. Football is primarily about fraternity and fair play (this last one often forgotten), i agree times have changed and now it is mostly about money, but still i can remember the game i fell in love with playing in the street when i was a small child. No biggie really tho, if you don't like it, just don't watch it. The rest of the world is righteously in love with the game. I wonder how your players must feel, knowing their fans think they're a bunch of good for nothing sissies! Poor fellas.
Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:21 am Reply with quote
supak0ma wrote: Bluesbro wrote: arcaico wrote: supak0ma wrote: Bluesbro wrote: Is that what makes it sounds like there were bees buzzing all game. Very annoying for sure. I try to like soccer (ok, football  ) but it is SO boring. And every time someone actually tries to make an offensive move you can bet one or the other of the players near the ball will fall down as if hit by a shotgun blast ... but on replay there was maybe minimal contact if any. And don't even get me started on the freakin prima donnas that get carried off on a stretcher, only to return to the field (ok, pitch  ) 5 minutes later. Rule change number 1 ... if you get carried out on a stretcher your out of the game wimp. If most of those folks would just run the play out they may actually make the game somewhat exciting. Instead, they flop down and roll in agony and waste a minute or two while the ref holds up a card ... just play the game and stop the academy award auditions pussies.
have you ever played a football match? if not i suggest you shut up. 
I second that... shut the fuck up... bet you're a yankee...
I realize the boring comment is my opinion, and totally relative. And I respect your opinions. But what part of anything else I said is not true? The games continuity is ruined by players feigning a near death experience every time two people get within a foot of each other. On slow motion replays it looked like the majority of the time the players were falling down on their own. Wouldn't it be more exciting if they tried to play through the contact a little? They may even force more scoring opportunities  Oh no, can't have that ... lol.
Maybe someone with a more distant perspective can offer some constructive critisism that someone so ingrained in tradition cannot? Yankee or no, I am just calling them as I see them. Feel free to engage in a non name calling debate and prove me wrong.
sorry, but the way i think, to have an opinion you've got to know how something works, at least know the surface, if you don't you're simply having a thought, not an opinion. i completely agree the simulations are irritating, believe me i get really pissed off, but you can't dismiss every contact as that, even if the contact is not as "macho" as you would like it to be, you have to understand the dynamics of this game, when you tackle someone you're aiming for the lower part, the players are running so it is easy to go flying with minimal contact, it's called momentum or inertia. Again if you watch closely you'd see how rough some contacts can be, elbows fly around all the time and players get hurt badly, but that is why there are penalties for rough play, yellow and red cards. If you would understand something about football tactics you would know why in some games there are few scoring occasions, it is a game of chess between the two managers, sometimes they block each other with their moves, sometimes one makes far better decisions than his colleague. Also, the athletes on the field, these are incredible athletes, again, if you've never played it, you can't even start imagining what it takes to play a full 90 minutes match, i assure you it is excruciating for a normal person. The problem with you north americans is the constant macho attitude and the fact that you're obsessed with victory and big numbers, i don't think football will ever pick up over there. Football is primarily about fraternity and fair play (this last one often forgotten), i agree times have changed and now it is mostly about money, but still i can remember the game i fell in love with playing in the street when i was a small child. No biggie really tho, if you don't like it, just don't watch it. The rest of the world is righteously in love with the game. I wonder how your players must feel, knowing their fans think they're a bunch of good for nothing sissies! Poor fellas.
hurt badly !!!come on. you should watch the UFC sometime and trust me your not going to get badly hurt by some flying elbows.
Location: Photoshop Nation
Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:29 am Reply with quote
wtf? has it come to what sport is more violent? what the hell has a combat sport to do with football? does "hurt badly" have to mean you're on a stretcher in an ambulance? bah
Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:36 am Reply with quote
supak0ma wrote: wtf? has it come to what sport is more violent? what the hell has a combat sport to do with football? does "hurt badly" have to mean you're on a stretcher in an ambulance? bah
just admit it footballers are a bunch of pussies. badly hurt 
Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:49 am Reply with quote
supak0ma wrote: just admit your comparison is lame 
Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:54 am Reply with quote
supak0ma wrote:
lmao  ok after that. OK IT WAS LAME
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