Thanks Martrex, lol!
Wiz, I agree...and chopped didn't seem right for some reason, but I'm too tired to fathom why currently.
vokaris-I guess I was trying to include the whole of the experience, not just 'the chop' but contest entry, etc.; in my defense, language is malleable (I'm hating the trend to drop 'ly'/ignoring adverbs, as in "He did that terrific" (instead of terrificly) and my aim was to focus on the legalities of the PSC process of sources and products
Thanks annajon...just fyi, I hadn't mean other peoples' ps works but rather the source fotos that were then chopped...I was wondering if I could would post my finished chop up elsewhere, like fb or a blog or dA, and I planned on giving proper credit.
Lastly, as to LAZY, never said I wasn't,

but what I meant was using other old, say, the red barn wood on (current) 'Renovation Project' in a future chop. I actually *don't* think it's necessarily more lazy to repurpose that source than to go out and shoot your own (which may be impossible for certain scenes) or finding some stock...I think it adds a layer of reflexivity to reuse PSC in future PSC that is appropriate for digital work. I saw someone do it in the H2H Spring contest and others cheered.
Thanks glenhanna; good point in re: watermarks and about ReyRey's settlement check.
Lastly JORDAN792...I don't know either.
Thanks everyone!