So ... her Fabio i can smell the definitive statement on mr Mark *beep* Ballistic while doin ur thread. I kinda like it since i think Mark is a **********er but i like his tyle, his way of neing a **********er (talking about the fact that Mark u seem to iinfluence people in voting by a way or anohter...that just appears to the eyes of people...i knoew u can provide good encouragements to newbies and its good thing tho)so i can say i appreciate the person...
I have many friends overhere, thx to PSC...
I made my debut chops without fear of being different... i was rewarded...
what i was just want to say is that PSC is , too, suffering from continuous time problems like a living being.... quite weird...a family.... a much to think......
well lets say i want to thk this iste for being alive and for being wht it is and i want to say that Ballistic has some good bullets like i have and u have... to make the big hit that PSC is suppose dto be.
Let s say that i hhave found really intersetsting style in his works an d i know u disagree and i disagree about his way of dealing with things and people overhere.... its a way of doing and the hguy is still in the froint page suks....... im not

i have other outs in my life its a chance.
so i just wante dto say to evbdy that even if im a bit puissed off tonite, i still appreciate what i see in this iste and appreciate people, people people .........appreciating........ting ting ting