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Location: Belgium (Dion-Valmont)

Post Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:13 am   Reply with quote         

Hey everybody...!

I'm just posting this thread to try to understand why I got so few votes for this entry... My mum and girlfriend too said that there was something that did not work with it but couldn't point out what...! In my opinion it was a good work, not many huge flaws in it and an obious part of the source was used...! I'm not kinda whoring about or whatever, I just want to understand why it "only" got 10 votes and got behind some of my previous chops that look (according to me) much more awful...!

Since nobody left comments about it, feel free to be honest here, that's how we learn...! Don't even hesitate to be harsh on me (no I'm not a sadomaso Very Happy)...!

Here is the image for those who didn't look at it...! I know supa, bogo and the others are good at explaining what's wrong with chops so answer this thread mates Wink...!


Location: Norway

Post Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:42 am   Reply with quote         

I don't like cartoons mixed with natural elements like that. Either all have to be cartoonish, or all have to be natural. It CAN work, when the chop are funny, but seldom when one make a "good feeling" chop. My opinion. Smile


Location: Eugene, Oregon

Post Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:08 am   Reply with quote         

Fewer votes are dished out in anonymous contests, making the final results more lopsided. I liked yours.


Location: Masurian Lake District

Post Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:22 am   Reply with quote         

Don't worry Hagen, shit happends Smile
Till now I have exactly the same feelings about my snake entry Smile It was one of my best so far. I expected more Smile Not much, just a bit more Smile
I would vote for your entry. I was just gone and didn't see this contest.
You have to chop more often!
Cheers Smile


Location: Belgium (Dion-Valmont)

Post Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:28 am   Reply with quote         

Pakimo guess you have the explanation there Smile...! That's more or less what my girlfriend tried to tell me (but I didn't want to hear cause I'd spent few hours on that chop Laughing)...!

Well I got it...! I will pay attention to that next time...!

Thanks for your comment Rangizzz...! Unfortunately I won't have many time for chopping in the forthcoming months as I'm leaving Belgium on Saturday for about 5 months...! Indeed for my studies, I'll spend these few months up in Norway, in Bergen to be more precise...! But once I am back from that stay I'll try to find more time for chopping since I love that so much Wink...!


Location: Norway

Post Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:53 am   Reply with quote         

Hagen wrote:
Indeed for my studies, I'll spend these few months up in Norway, in Bergen to be more precise...!
Bring an umbrella. It always rains in Bergen. Laughing


Location: Belgium (Dion-Valmont)

Post Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:14 am   Reply with quote         

LoL I did not actually notice you were from Norway...! Well I'll add the umbrella on my list...! Thanks for the advice Pakimo...! Very Happy


Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:22 am   Reply with quote         

I agree with Pakimo.

Also, you did some work on the DOF (depth of focus) and I see what you were trying to accomplish. But it seems a bit out - kind of like those 3D viewers we had as kids (well, us OLD people had as kids Razz )

Again, this is very hard to carry off convincingly when you combine a "natural" image with a "drawn" image.

Oh. Also, in general, people HATE parrots. (but they won't tell you that! Wink )


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

Location: On the way to Utopia!

Post Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:05 pm   Reply with quote         

I think Pakimo has a point.
Although I vote for it because there is a kind of 3D effect I like that.
Oh... and Pakimo loves gifs! So next time... Laughing


Location: Belgium (Dion-Valmont)

Post Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:48 pm   Reply with quote         

I see what you mean with 3D effect now that you point it out but this was not inteded at all Laughing...! I take good notes Paola...! Thankx for your vote by the way...! Wink


Location: Las Vegas Baby!

Post Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:35 am   Reply with quote         

I think the light was in the wrong place for the dino

chop chop

Location: On the way to Utopia!

Post Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:02 am   Reply with quote         

Hagen wrote:
I see what you mean with 3D effect now that you point it out but this was not inteded at all Laughing...! I take good notes Paola...! Thankx for your vote by the way...! Wink

I want my vote back!!!



Location: detroit or pittsburgh

Post Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:17 am   Reply with quote         

hey hagen...i had this same reaction with the last chop i did so let me take a stab at trying to see why yours didnt get as many votes as you wanted

for me this image looks great in the thumbnail view, but then when its blown up its lacking that little something extra, and like they said in anonymous contests you need that wow factor to get votes.

the thing is with yours is there really isn't anything wrong, it just is missing that last element that i can't put my finger on.

i like the idea and integration and the unintentional 3d is actually really cool Smile

sorry i couldn't be more help, just try to find that wow factor on the next chop

cheers smitty


Location: Belgium (Dion-Valmont)

Post Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:10 am   Reply with quote         

Thanks Captain...! I'll keep looking for the Grail then Very Happy...!

Post Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:47 pm   Reply with quote         

Yeah anon contest doesn't help... and if you were posting late probably it was supposed to be worse.
I agree with pakimo about the mix of realistic & cartoon. Maybe it was better to give a cartoonish style to the whole image.
I don't hate parrot like ReinDude, but I don't think it is a good touch... maybe too colorful, it's a bit distracting if we consider the dinosaur the important creature of your image. I think maybe it was better to add a prehistoric bird... not colorful, something melting well with the background.
The rays of light need some work. I fell it just white... it needs some different shades and intensity to make it more natural & realistic especially over the dark parts of background. Adding blur to it can be good... I think we feel too many thin lines.
The dino looks way too flat. Look at the rocks on the right or foreground... there's strong shadows on front side, good light on top. So you need to do the same look to the dinosaur.
For a better dept the foreground needs blur.
And finally it was maybe good to add a mood to the image... like adding contrast & darkness. I feel the whole image a bit flat.
I hope it can help!


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