Wanna here sumfin' spooky even though Halloween is 3 months away?
I got approached by a friend/aquaintance to build a website for his new business. This is where it starts to get eerie.
First... he insists on paying me. Doesn't want me to do it for free so that I have a site for my portfolio. Actually wants to pay me and didn't argue about the fee at all.
Second... He didn't really have a logo. He made a logo-ish "image" with Word using different fonts and highlites in overlapping text boxes. When I changed it he liked it on the first shot and had NO gripes or suggestions for changes. He was happy with it!
Third... He didn't have a clear picture of what he wanted his site to look like. Only that he was sure he wanted primary red, white and blue for the color scheme. I mocked up a first draft of the home page and toned down the garish colors. When I told him why he really didn't want to have all bright blue text he didn't argue at all and.... he liked the first draft!
Literally the ONLY change he asked to do on the front page was to to include a product photo that hadn't given me. He even apologized for having me do that minor change. That's it.
I thought design clients were supposed to be PITAs?

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey