Wiz wrote:
"Well that's kinda tough Anf' But if it upsets you don't look at it, and the bad man will go away!

Mr. Wiz, it was previously discussed in a forum thread started by The Great Tofu that the code of your posts containing images has a few unnecessary [ img ] tags and looks like this
My best guess of your workflow - feel free to correct me if I'm wrong:
1. you upload an image to freeimagehosting-dot-net
2. you copy the code provided in the field named "To insert this image in a forum post, use the following code:"
3. in the PSC "compose message" page you click the "Img" button
4. you paste the code copied in step 2
5. you close with the "Img*" button
If the above is correct, you can safely skip steps 3 and 4, as they create the extra tags that Mr. Darth "Anfa" Vader, Mr. The Great Tofu, yours truly, and perhaps others find to be disturbing. The resulting code will look like this
It will display the image you uploaded and will link the image to your favorite image hosting website. The added value to you would be the immediate savings of two (2) less mouse clicks, which over the long run will pay for itself in saved time and reduced mouse mileage.