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Location: Anywhere but where I am.
Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:50 pm Reply with quote
That's one of my favorite books, lol.
What we really need is an active owner. I mean, he sporadically appears, he's a ghost owner, no one really knows him, he's never on the site, hell we never see what he's doing or if he's doing anything. If you can't work on it sell it to someone else that has the TIME! PSC was improving until Proc put a stop to that improvement. No one wants to work with a site that's not going forward, you know what I mean?
Location: Brisbane Australia
Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:32 am Reply with quote
"I know who you mean!"  LOL!
[img] [/img]
Location: Brazil
Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:19 am Reply with quote
anfa wrote: Hahahaha! I love it when people complain about people complaining! 
where's the Like button??
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Brazil
Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:42 am Reply with quote
wiz winning two contests in a row definetely means PSC is dying... back in my days you'd see people like desh, supak and anfa winning two in a row...
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:52 am Reply with quote
... and Wiz is killing the threads!
I'm fucking tired of his unbelievable fucking boring large [img]images[/img]...
In fact who's leaving his threads without reading it? ... I'm surely not the only one...
Location: Australia
Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:25 am Reply with quote
In answer to another thread but has some meaning in this one as well.
Quote: Wow thats a lot of blame there if you ask me...I see Proc here all the time and chat with him in chat and know he does a lot of behind the stage stuff as do all the mods...who by the way volunteer.
For a free to use site in most cases this place runs ok, yeah it may need some sprucing up and a little TLC repair work, but for the most part it still runs ok...the lack of participation cant be blamed on the owner or the staff.
The lack of participation in my opinion is our fault, we make this place what it is and at the moment yep it is slowly spiralling downward. What we do abut it, I don't have the answers, I'm one of the people that stopped being active here a long time ago. Why I guess a lot of reasons less time to do stuff here, ran outa ideas to keep things fun but most of all, just fed up with the new attitude of the members, nothing wrong with that its a free site, nut the win win win and im an artist thing just got old for me.
I still visit every day look in on chat look at contests but don't vote any more and spasmodically type in the forums. I don't do face-book so I do miss a lot of good friends here at PSC. I guess I don't have the juice to do the stuff we use to do.
I guess its up to you new guys to take the bull by the horns and get this place breathing once again. Thats what we did way back when. Stop blaming and bitching and start doing, get people interested start fun forum competitions that keep people interested, get outa face book and get into chat. Make it more fun to be here, have your own fun contest with in the PSC structure.
This place had a lot of heart back when and now its lost its way, so why don't you guys make a new path for PSC, instead of bitching and griping and complaining start doing, I know for a fact you don't need the owner to kick start this off you need a community. JMH was more active here way back when but he did not do a great deal of out the front participation he did keep things going behind the scenes with a lot of help from the mods. Our Mods are here a lot as well we just don't see them, but there there and doing all the time, as should our community be doing all the time, think about it and ten do some thing if ya fail then do some thing else.
Protesting and complaining wont do a god damn thing but make people feel less and less like coming here.
Now before ya start going all but we cant do this and we cant do that, why not work out what you can do and start from there.
Just my 2cents from the old Lurker ACME 2000 soap box.
Mon Aug 30, 2010 4:58 am Reply with quote
WhimSea wrote: so i googled us... (470546) - Photoshop your a** off !!!
•that was a 2003 (closed) thread asking why would you want to PS your ass off... 2 or 3 people, they didn't have a clue what psc is about Estimated Worth $32239 USD by Freewebsitereport
Jul 5, 2010 ... Daily Ad Revenue:$44.16 USD, Daily Views:14721 Pages, Traffic Rank:74723, Page Rank:5, Linking Sites:447, Lang:English, Adult Content:No, ...
our current swan opening page is also showing
This page has been deleted. The deletion and move log for the page are provided below for reference...
* 05:53, 15 September 2006 Centrx (talk | contribs) deleted "Photoshopcontest" content was deleted and the only contributor was 'Freakofnurture'
* 13:43, 12 September 2006 Freakofnurture (talk | contribs) deleted "Photoshopcontest" (content was: '[ PSC]' (and the only contributor was 'Digitalpharaoh'
* 13:41, 12 September 2006 Xezbeth (talk | contribs) deleted "Photoshopcontest" (just an external link)
What's a good prize for a photoshop contest?
post: Apr 7, 2006
Let's say I wanted to promote a site by having a photoshop contest and getting entries. Something along the lines of where people would take ...
• The questioner asking if $100 or so would be a good prize... of course most said it sounded good to them...
However I had to laugh at one responder (Chopster) who said: "I know people who gravitate to those contests for free... just for the recognition (eg.
Even if you made the prize $10 bucks, it would be enough to generate lots of interested choppers."
also listed various facebooks, ANFA deal on youtube, Vokaris photostream on flickr and some of our tutorials.
SOOOO..... Could we each help by:
1. mentioning the site to those we talk to (in person and online - I've done both)
2. click on the ads to help with revenue? after seeing that daily revenue - that is dismal. I've never clicked on the ads personally, but if it would help, i'd do it!
3. Make some YouTube videos - something funny and give mention to the site of course. (I'm thinking along the lines of those 'deep thoughts' sort of thing... 'when i get home from a hard day at work, all i want to do is cut my boss' head off and put in on a swan's body.... har!'
4. Get a Wiki page up again
So many photoshopcontest dot com pages on facebook since that forum thingy last year and not one of them "groups" has tried to lure people in by giving the facebook crowd our daily contest image, and asking them to do a "try before you buy (a membership) - why is that?
Just a thought.
I will stop talking now.
Just enter todays contest guys, and show you care a little.
Location: Brisbane Australia
Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:08 am Reply with quote
Claf wrote: ... and Wiz is killing the threads!
I'm fucking tired of his unbelievable fucking boring large [img]images[/img]...
I fact who's leaving his threads without reading it? ... I'm surely not the only one...
"Come on Claf, don't be shy, say what you really mean instead of fucking sugar coating it, as you so politely put it! I'm Glad I stirred you up enough to respond shweetheart! 
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:27 am Reply with quote
I think blurker has the right of it.
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Rochester, New York
Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:37 am Reply with quote
What did I start?
Like I have said before, let's all try to promote the site.
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:46 am Reply with quote
Teej is right, I pop in from time to time, and I watch this place slowly dying, believe me, not a happy feeling.
What do we do about it, that is a damn good question.
I have no intention of returning here in an active chopping way any time soon, and maybe that is the problem for many others too.
While the community is one of the best I know of, the mix and banter is all good. But fundamentally, there are many broken parts to the community and structure of the site.
I know why I cant be bothered any more, I tried hard for PSC for a long time. And this applies to others too. But inevitably, you can only try so hard for so long before you get bored of the shit that goes with it.
Things need to change, and a lot of people feel exactly like I do, just so happens that things essentially wont change as people are stuck in their ways and blind to certain situations.
So until then, I hope it magically improves, but don't hold your breaths guys and gals.
Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:34 am Reply with quote
Wiz wrote: Claf wrote: ... and Wiz is killing the threads!
I'm fucking tired of his unbelievable fucking boring large [img]images[/img]...
I fact who's leaving his threads without reading it? ... I'm surely not the only one...
"Come on Claf, don't be shy, say what you really mean instead of fucking sugar coating it, as you so politely put it! I'm Glad I stirred you up enough to respond shweetheart! 
I used "fucking" word because of my lack of English vocabulary... I didn't find a more accurate adjective. Sorry!
Sincerely, I'm not really much annoyed or disturbed by your threads. Not more than spam.
Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:36 am Reply with quote
I didn't let PSC down.
I will chop when I can.
Yes, recently the quality of chops are generally less interesting than we get used to see... but it has no real impact about my interest at chopping or not. I will chop when I can whatever what's going on here.
My challenge is always to find the way to make a creative & nice image from those sources. Dot. It doesn't matter to me how many posts per contest, who participate, if entries are boring or not etc... ... ...
Yeah, things aren't going so well.
For sure this site needs some changes. I don't know exactly what can make things going way better...
Maybe some small changes that can be a good start...
1. Sources available for only one week for advantage members.
2. Also for advantage members, no more vote on which image we use next. In my opinion, often the best image isn't choosen.
3. No prizes.
Location: Montreal, Canada
Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:11 am Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: wiz winning two contests in a row definetely means PSC is dying... back in my days you'd see people like desh, supak and anfa winning two in a row...
Those are signs of the Apocalypse! 
Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:30 pm Reply with quote
Since i've got the slightest idea that people are talking, and noone is actually LISTENING to eachother.
I'm going to add a subtle tactic as i call it to actually make my point clear.
Here goes:
Someone has to step up, if that would be Proc, OR the Mods, I actually don't give a damn.
I DO give a damn about the fact that people should actually listen to eachother, especially the mods and Proc in this case, since THEY are the ones who decide whats it gonna be or not.
Henceforth, i would seriously appreciate if they would actually give arguments, OR suggestions to the members of this site, to actually START working on a SOLUTION.
I'm sorry that i have to write this boldly and in this color, but since everyone is bitching and bitching and doesn't actually come up with a solution (ok a few did), i'm kindly asking the ones in charge, to actually try to make this topic actually useful for the members, and eventually, for new future members.
Hope it's clear... 
_________________ [img][/img]
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