So as not to be mistaken for spam

rather than just saying hello ... I would like to greet all my fellow choppers with a more international flair!
Klahowya, Hola, Tánisi, Salut, Han, Ciao, Madainn mhath, Aloha and Hi, eh! ( for the curious ones out there the languages used in order are: Chinook, Spanish, Cree, French, Dakota, Italian, Gaelic, Hawaiian and Canadian (English)
I am an avid chopper and have been at it for a few years... I am looking forward to playing around here and hope to learn and share with other PSC members ... once I get my *^#_$((@&#^+#$&

Advantage membership to work!
Other than that "not-complaint" it looks like a fun place to hang out for awhile!