The other day I was looking at some of my artwork attempting to come up with a cleaver domain name that is not currently being used..... ramdomly DarkLight came to mind with the association of color within my art.... I googled to search availiblity and not much came up other then a movie title and something about a sword... I then went ahead and typed into the address bar and it brought me to a strange and erie private domain with a Sad Face Icon in the address bar.... the screen turned all black with flashing lettering "darklight" and in very small almost unreadable print it reads.... "you have reached this is a private domain. if you are looking for information about suzy lyall, please click here."

now I did not want to just click on the link it could be a virus... however I took the time to google "SUZY LYALL" I wanted to know what she had to do with darklight and this wierd private domain... well come to find out Suzy Lyall is a missing person since March 2nd, 1998.... I viewed some of her missing persons websites and a website that her parents set up allowing you to view some of her poetry.... its quite beautiful and a little morbid all at the same time...
I guess the whole post was just a question to wether I should believe that this was brought to my attention for a reason.... so.... im doing my part.... ANYONE WHO MAY HAVE INFORMATION PLEASE SEE THIS WEBSITE: