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Location: Australia
Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:13 am Reply with quote
Ok fellow PSCers.
Im thinking of developing a web page to get some of my Photography work out there. I recently had 3 photos on display at a l;oval gallery and sold all three, the problem I had was a lot of requests of a web site to view my photos.
So here are a few questions I would like my PSC community brothers and sisters to answer for me. This way I can glean what would be the best way to go.
1. What do you look for in a photographic web site?
2. What images do you most like to view?
3. If an image is not water marked do you feel it is fair game to be right clicked and saved?
4. What is a good size to display your images on the site?
5. Hard one here, but pricing of images, should it be set prices for sizes or a price with relation to the image itself?
6. Software, I know there are a lot of good web development soft ware out there but would like some incites on what you guys have used and what you though?
7. Hosting, free would be great but I know that due to the size images I would like to display that may not be possible, any ideas on this issue would be great?
8. Any other information you think may be useful would be appreciated.
Send me links of any Photographic sites you think may help me with the design prospects. I'm not asking some one to design it for me, that is part of MY learning curve but information never goes astray in my opinion.
Ok friends, "Cry havoc and let slip those web sites of yours"
Thanks in advanced
Location: Australia
Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:26 am Reply with quote
Wow must be a sign of the times I guess. I can remember a thread like this would have more answers that you could throw a stick at once.
Oh well will keep checking in on and off, if you have any ideas or suggestions let me know.
Location: The Netherlands
Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:16 am Reply with quote
Hey Blurker,
I will give it a try =)
1. What do you look for in a photographic web site?
It has to be very easy to use (synoptic) I don't like clicking 10 buttons to see the photos.
I don't know how many photos you want to post, but if there are a lot maybe a search function?
2. What images do you most like to view?
Can I say nudity?! Well since it's your website, it's up to you which photos you want to expose, I think you mostly make photos of nature right? I would like some mind blowing photos, that make you go "WOW!" --> check:
3. If an image is not water marked do you feel it is fair game to be right clicked and saved?
Not really, but sometimes it's tempting though!
4. What is a good size to display your images on the site?
Not sure about an exact size, but I would say a small "preview" maybe with a roll-over pop-up?
You can also protect your images from "right click - save"
5. Hard one here, but pricing of images, should it be set prices for sizes or a price with relation to the image itself?
I think price for size, the better quality, the more you pay IMO
6. Software, I know there are a lot of good web development soft ware out there but would like some incites on what you guys have used and what you though?
I don't know
7. Hosting, free would be great but I know that due to the size images I would like to display that may not be possible, any ideas on this issue would be great?
Nope, sorry...
8. Any other information you think may be useful would be appreciated.
Recently a friend of me, who is a part time photographer made his own website to expose his photos; [link removed] it's more of a portfolio website, but a website like this is not that hard to create...
Good luck!
Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:11 am Reply with quote
I would def. use small size image on the website and prevent right click when you want to show off an image big size in a rollover or popup screen.
I know from personal experience that it is very hard to NOT grab an image from the web when it is great to look at or inspirational. And it will be sad to find out that others have linked to your big size images so they can be pilvered(pilfered?)
So, prevention of hotlinking to idividual images (hotlinking to front page of your website should be ok, that is a bonus)
You want to sell the images, so the buyer should contact you about where to find the big image.
The website that DaVinci showed you is lovely. As long as you categorize your photo's, so they show up specificly, you can't go wrong with that type of webpage.
Location: Glendale, Az.
Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:18 am Reply with quote
Hi Andrew,
A visit to my website
will illustrate a lot of "what not to dos" when creating a web site. I was very inexperienced when I designed and created that web site,so I made the page too big,aspect ratio on thumbnails is incorrect and other flaws you will observe which you won't want to replicate on your page.
I did do a few things right like setting it up so that when you click the thumbnail images,you get a bigger version of the image displayed in a new window.
I would have been more careful about the design,if I wanted to create a "for profit" site,but since mine is really for personal,family,friend and interested party viewing,I didn't adjust for the most web friendly viewing experience.However,it works to accomplish the intended goal of displaying the images in a format which will interest some viewers.
As always,
all the best,
Location: Photoshop Nation
Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:33 am Reply with quote
since you're planning on having some revenue from this website i suggest you invest on yourself and contact a pro web designer and have it done for you.
Location: Back where I belong.
Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:49 am Reply with quote
Hey blurk. Sorry you didn't get many answers. It was a bit late US time and it's our election day on 11/2 so many are distracted.
I'll try to read through your whole post and answer on lunch. 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: Canadian Prairies, eh?
Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:50 pm Reply with quote
I'll try to give a web designer perspective.
In the last exciting episode, blue_lurker wrote...
1. What do you look for in a photographic web site?
Thumbnails. Thumbnails. Thumbnails. They get the page loaded fastest, they provide a wide sample set right off the start, and they mean you can navigate through them to find what interests you. I also prefer a site that doesn't require me to scroll vertically because it means page navigation remains accessible while I'm browsing photos. EG. uses Flash but this can be done with other slide show scripts.
2. What images do you most like to view?
3. If an image is not water marked do you feel it is fair game to be right clicked and saved?
For silly chopping between friends, yes; for paid design work or anything where I am offering a service for something in return, never.
4. What is a good size to display your images on the site?
Thumbnails at something that provides at least 4 others besides it; Full size with max. width of perhaps 800px?; anything over that, I'd do download options
5. Hard one here, but pricing of images, should it be set prices for sizes or a price with relation to the image itself?
Price on size = price on photo depth; makes most sense to me rather than price on content which requires constant evaluations
6. Software, I know there are a lot of good web development soft ware out there but would like some incites on what you guys have used and what you though?
Plain text editor, FTP, and W3C validation; then again, I'm old skool
7. Hosting, free would be great but I know that due to the size images I would like to display that may not be possible, any ideas on this issue would be great?
8. Any other information you think may be useful would be appreciated.
Find a nice HTML or CSS template and, if necessary, modify to suit your needs. The wheel has be invented many times over and there is some solid design work out there for only a few buck (or free, if you're willing to leave the Creative Commons small print in).
Use something to display photos more dynamically than raw HTML can, such as Lightbox, ColorBox, Nivo Slider/Nivo Zoom. I can't speak about others, but I have used these in the past.
Validate your HTML/CSS.
If you go Creative Commons in building the site, consider a Creative Commons subset of images as a way to contribute back.
Just some thoughts.
Location: Michigan
Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:56 pm Reply with quote
I'll give my opinion as well
1. What do you look for in a photographic web site? Ease of view. Like said before, you don't want to have to click a lot of links to get to pictures. But also have them separated by interest. You don't want to browse pictures you could care less about source wise.
2. What images do you most like to view? Anything I can not easily re-create myself. If it's an image of something I've seen... I love to see new perspectives. This, of course, depends on your target demographics. If you take pictures in Detriot where I live.... I would only be intrested in pictures that give a different look to what I have already seen. Also goes for the example of pictures from Europe. I have never been there but I have seen pictures. Show something unique. Standard pays for it self, unique pays you.
3. If an image is not water marked do you feel it is fair game to be right clicked and saved? You can disable the right click option if you make a page. All they leaves is the screen shot ability...and that typically degrades the image. I wouldn't worry about losing money via a screen-shot infringement.
4. What is a good size to display your images on the site? I would say 800x600. Make optional sizes available to either paid members or via ordering only.
5. Hard one here, but pricing of images, should it be set prices for sizes or a price with relation to the image itself? Anything is only worth what people are willing to pay. And typicall people want to pay less then you are asking, If you price a photo at $1 and people offer you $.50... then the image is worth $.50. If you price the same picture at $1 and someone offers you $1,000,000... then it becomes a million dollar photo. You can try to equate what your time and talent are worth... but I would suggest to make site to sell originals only to start and as "bid/offer" only via email. This will quickly allow you to gauge your photo prices. Another "trick of the trade" is sales. Even if it's your 1st day live with the site. You can put "Was $100 now $50 for a limited time. To sell ANYTHING, you have to understand commerce, salesmanship, and advertising. You don't want to "suggest" or "guess" a piece of arts worth... you need to tell them what it is worth. And what price they will buy it at.
6. Software, I know there are a lot of good web development soft ware out there but would like some incites on what you guys have used and what you though? Again, just my opinion.... Your talent needs to shine through. People can take photos edited in paint and make money. It's not mainly what happens after the image gets home... it's what you see through the lens. To be "different"... you need to be different. I would say stick to PS for minor editing but use your models are your true source. You are selling YOUR photos...not photoshoped pictures that a large percentage can accomplish on their own.
7. Hosting, free would be great but I know that due to the size images I would like to display that may not be possible, any ideas on this issue would be great? I have a solid connection I have used for many years that charges $36 a year (discounted for multiple years) for unlimited bandwidth and 1 GB web space. All you would have to do is supply the domain. Thats fairly cheap. PM me if you want more info. I may be able to get it cheaper for you.
PM me if you need anything including site building.
Either way... GOOD LUCK!!!!
Location: Montreal, Canada
Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:07 pm Reply with quote
Let me offer a web designer's perspective.
1. What do you look for in a photographic web site?
Ease of use, it has to be clean and simple.
2. What images do you most like to view?
3. If an image is not water marked do you feel it is fair game to be right clicked and saved?
Yes, why not, as long as the image is not used and claimed as being someone else's. I think desabling right-clicking is paranoïd. What about "Print Screen"? I simply don't provide pictures so big that they can be printed. You could have a members only area for clients, with bigger sizes pictures perhaps.
4. What is a good size to display your images on the site?
Big enough so that the viewer can see the style of the images, not so big that the images can be used for printing.
5. Hard one here, but pricing of images, should it be set prices for sizes or a price with relation to the image itself?
Set prices to size and media. If the client wants to reprint or use the image, you should charge for licence.
6. Software, I know there are a lot of good web development soft ware out there but would like some incites on what you guys have used and what you though?
In order, I have used Flash, Dreamweaver and now I am using Wordpress. Once installed, a Wordpress website can be developped through a browser. The interface is easy to use and tons of plugins are available. You can virtually do anything without much knowledge.
7. Hosting, free would be great but I know that due to the size images I would like to display that may not be possible, any ideas on this issue would be great?
Here is a place that offer free hosting There are many places that offer hosting for 3-4$/month. Maybe there is a place more specific to your country. Or perhaps you could take on Tad's offer.
8. Any other information you think may be useful would be appreciated.
My website, it has some pictures. It was done with Dreaweaver, it is all "hard coded" and required more knowledge. When you click on a picture, it appear in an iframe, it is called "thickbox" and it is java script.
My girlfriend's website, it is all made with wordpress, but still in development.
Location: Back where I belong.
Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:06 pm Reply with quote
1. What do you look for in a photographic web site?
Simple and elegant interfaces. I recently found a jQuery plugin called Colorbox that I absolutely LOVE. It's great for "zooming" on photos and can do other stuff too. Wicked cool and customizable.
2. What images do you most like to view?
I personally like dramatic images. Especially black and whites. I also like pics from odd angles.[/blue]
3. If an image is not water marked do you feel it is fair game to be right clicked and saved?
[color=blue]Only if it's clearly marked as creative commons (or similar license). However if you're setting your images for 72DPI and relatively small display (maybe 320x240 or so?) then it shouldn't be an issue. Pics big enough to get the content across with larger sizes available for purchase.
4. What is a good size to display your images on the site?
see above
5. Hard one here, but pricing of images, should it be set prices for sizes or a price with relation to the image itself?
Price by size and/or purpose. Like iStock or other stock site does.
6. Software, I know there are a lot of good web development soft ware out there but would like some incites on what you guys have used and what you though?
I'm kinda old school and like to hand code. Dreamweaver is my WYSIWYG editor of choice. It creates clean HTML. If you even think of using FrontPage I'll stab you through the internet.
WordPress has been mentioned but that would depend on your hosting set-up.
7. Hosting, free would be great but I know that due to the size images I would like to display that may not be possible, any ideas on this issue would be great?
Hosting can be a PITA. There's several things you need to be aware of. One is the amount of space, another is the amount of bandwidth per month you get for transfer and another is the speed of the connection. Lots of space with unlimited bandwidth sucks if the connection is slower than syrup in winter.
8. Any other information you think may be useful would be appreciated.
You seem to be getting a lot of good info so far.
Send me links of any Photographic sites you think may help me with the design prospects. I'm not asking some one to design it for me, that is part of MY learning curve but information never goes astray in my opinion.
If you decide to go with any jQuery features give me a buzz. I'll be glad to help out your learning curve. 8)
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: The Netherlands
Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:10 am Reply with quote
sirenka wrote:
This is a great example, it's simple but also flashy!
Location: Finland
Thu Nov 04, 2010 6:02 am Reply with quote
Just a fast answer related to free hosting.
If you want a free webpage that you can design yourself etc. and is for free the best alternative would be to host it yourself. That way you wouldn't be bound to to any already made photogalleries and you could also put some more specific information of yourself there as in biography or whatever you want to put in there.
What you need to remember that you then also need a computer that you wont turn off (or then somehow get it connected with a shell but not sure if it's possible). I've myself done the solution that I have a server machine, which is always open and doesn't have pretty much else in there than webpages. Ofcourse atleast if you want to use flash or php you might want to be carefull with the security as those are the "languages" which I've noticed to get most attacked.
Haven't really been here long enough to know how well people in here know about webdesign and -servers so I'm sorry if it's "old information".
If I have any factual errors feel free to correct me. Also if something is unclear in what I mean just ask, english is only my fourth language so it might not always be as fluent as it should
Noticed something from earlier post.. I wouldn't recommend dreamweaver myself (atleast if you use a lot of divs) because it tends to put them to wrong place sometimes (atleast with me). I've come to a lot better results with for example Sharepoint designer. Also if you want a ready script for example Simpleviewer (can't yet post urls' but you should be able to find it in google is nice and easy free JavaScript program for photos.
Location: Australia
Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:45 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for the great responses guys, I have a lot to read and to learn. As I said this is in its "can I do this shit right" stage but I think its about time I had some sort of a web space be it commercial or just for friends and family.
Dont stop there but, if you want to help me out or just show me your fav photographic web site keep it going.
Once again thanks for the responses and the PMs with offers of help...I will let you guys know what's what when I have digested all this info.

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