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Location: Hotel California
Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:09 pm Reply with quote
Ok this is an unashamed plug, and is definitely Tarmac spam.
I'm airing my first episode of " THE ALIEN TARMAC", a weekly radio show tonight at 7 PM pacific 10 PM eastern.
The show will air every thursday for about one hour. To listen in, go to the Inception Radio Network at 7 PM pacific tonight to hear it.
I'm excited about mixing my UFO sound effects with my techno music to create a new genre I call "Alien Techno". For a sample of what the my music is like and the general format of the show, click on this link:
Hope to see you all there at the premiere episode of " THE ALIEN TARMAC".
Hecklers, and crank callers welcome. That's pretty much all of you. 
Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:40 pm Reply with quote
I signed on Tarmac. And I will listen tonight for sure.
Hope today goes well for you.
Location: Almuñecar.
Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:04 pm Reply with quote
Tarmac wrote: Ok this is an unashamed plug, and is definitely Tarmac spam.
I'm airing my first episode of "THE ALIEN TARMAC", a weekly radio show tonight at 7 PM pacific 10 PM eastern.
4:00 a.m. CET.  .Well maybe I'll still be up choppin 
Location: On the way to Utopia!
Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:24 pm Reply with quote
Radio hmmm... make that TV... We have some alien Tarmac chops...
Toi Toi Toi!!!

Location: Right here
Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:15 pm Reply with quote
damn... I cant listen to that masterwork, cause here's sleeping time!!!!!
_________________ When I walk across the water, then my critics say, he can't even swim!
Location: Hotel California
Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:33 pm Reply with quote
Thanks guys. I really appreciate the support, and I understand completely if its on way too late for your time zone.
Its been a crazy day for me today. I've spent most of it at Cedars Sinai since early this morning. I'm now parked in a comfy chair at Cedars and will stay here until 8 pm rather than run the risk of rushing through L.A. traffic just to miss the air time which is coming up in about an hour and half.
Of those of you that can listen in, I hope you enjoy the show. And for those of you that can't, I'll post a link tomorrow for a show download.
And Marty, you're a riot !!! Its Alien Tarmac, as in Airport .... Geeze
the burning couch
Location: I don't know, but it sure is dark in here
Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:53 pm Reply with quote
Martrex wrote: Well I'm glad you are finally coming out of the closet and admitting ....
He already did that in a previous thread.
_________________ Half of writing history is hiding the truth.~ Mal
Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:16 am Reply with quote
Well Bob, all I can say is
It was a great listen. Thanks for the opportunity. Now you have a safe drive home from Cedar.
Location: Hotel California
Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:19 am Reply with quote
Well the show went terrific. No hecklers showed up. Thank Gawd Burning Couch, and Martrex weren't there, lol.
We're estimating about 80,000 listeners world wide, but I'll take close look at the metrics later today.
For those of you who missed the show, or could not bare the torture of staying up past your time zone, here is a link to the show's download. Its about 90 megs, so be aware it may take a little time to download.
If you haven't used rapidshare before. Just look for the free account or slow download option button on this page.
Location: Almuñecar.
Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:11 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for uploading the radio program.I'm not much a fan of repetitve techno music,but I dig the spacy loops and effects you do.Shades of the old "Lost in Space" tv series.BTW you definitely have a voice for doing radio...
Location: Hotel California
Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:16 pm Reply with quote
Luxwiz wrote: Thanks for uploading the radio program.I'm not much a fan of repetitve techno music,but I dig the spacy loops and effects you do.Shades of the old "Lost in Space" tv series.BTW you definitely have a voice for doing radio...
I keep hearing that from so many people, thanks. I'll also be producing some Alien Ambiance with no techno back beat. Just a more easy listening mellow sound to relax to. I'll post some links to it when I have enough to do a show.
Location: Almuñecar.
Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:14 pm Reply with quote
Tarmac wrote: Luxwiz wrote: Thanks for uploading the radio program.I'm not much a fan of repetitve techno music,but I dig the spacy loops and effects you do.Shades of the old "Lost in Space" tv series.BTW you definitely have a voice for doing radio...
I keep hearing that from so many people, thanks. I'll also be producing some Alien Ambiance with no techno back beat. Just a more easy listening mellow sound to relax to. I'll post some links to it when I have enough to do a show.
Great ...good to chop by 
Location: Hotel California
Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:22 pm Reply with quote
Just an unashamed reminder to all those wishing to listen in. The second show of "The Alien Tarmac" will air again tonight Thursday, at 7pm Pacific 10pm Eastern on the Inception Radio Network, .
If you have the time, I hope to see all our PSC hecklers there. (except for the burning couch, ... damn bastard) 
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