Eve wrote:
Martrex wrote:
Remember it was Eve's idea to get dressed in the first place Adam liked naked just fine.

Huh? What?! It was Victoria's Secret's idea...
now i'll delete the inappropriate cartoon pics...
Now look what you went and done,my avi is pouting more than usual!Well,I figured you would have come to the rescue of your namesake and chop my little chop (although I thought you would have deleted the cartoon in the first place,with Eve shinning in all her splendor).All I did is turn the tables.I even half covered her Y with a little valentine heart.So,since you allowed Eve naked I don't see what you have against Adam.Poor little snake,always did get the bum end of the deal (no pun intended)

.So,I protest and demand equality for both sexes

,at least in priciple cause I do obviously prefer to see Eve naked (dang you would have the same name)

.Maybe this proves the point of what Marty and I were saying,so to quote Marty again " Remember it was Eve's idea to get dressed in the first place Adam liked naked just fine." btw did you like it even though you felt you had to delete it?