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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Brain Storm - I know how to .."GO BIG" - Reply to topic


Location: Independent Scotland

Post Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:46 pm   Reply with quote         

I always do.
Unless i'm instructed to.
Then I wont.

Paul Von Stetina

Location: Deep Shit

Post Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:01 pm   Reply with quote         


Location: Independent Scotland

Post Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:10 pm   Reply with quote         

Paul Von Stetina wrote: I miss going babe-big...

Embarassed Embarassed



Post Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:43 pm   Reply with quote         

Paul Von Stetina wrote:

Who .................. who..................... Shocked Shocked Confused Confused Confused ........ I thought I had destroyed all the evidence of me ever wearing that gold two piece something.


Location: Waiting...

Post Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:22 pm   Reply with quote         

charliesou wrote:
I always do.
Unless i'm instructed to.
Then I wont.

Sorry Charlie! Hit a nerve I guess Embarassed

"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee

Post Fri Oct 10, 2014 2:49 pm   Reply with quote         

I always do.
Unless i'm instructed to.
Then I wont.


Location: france

Post Fri Sep 30, 2022 9:06 am   Reply with quote         

To see the US Senate vote Billions to Ukraine every couple of days knowing of the poverty in the USA, and I'm not a US resident...

Ten years ago, when you dug the alqaeda terror wave / wars a bit you could find out about the Kiev Security Council, which was the world's number one terrorist platform/group, and nowadays they don't even tell the people about that fact, the what, the why, etc. The whole thing got revamped during the last decade, I wasn't able to find accurate info about the number one terrorist gros bon earth and its"links" to the alqaeda / isis attacks. The laundry has been done regarding the western complices who knew and maintained big inter governmental business. Aside from the opinion, the victims' cases well deserve that info too, just like our own security policy. To see a branch of the USA, and anyway, US taxpayers finance that makes me sad.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, Pédodprostitution, weapon and hard drugs trafficking had made a few politicians rich, and our own French president would just "step in" to be sure war spreads to our country, that prepared by the French socialists, who happened to have such ties with the formerly soviet Europe ...A story much like "Al Capone and Hermes II" sold to us.

And meanwhile the oooold jewish ladies who had survived to Nazi Ukraine during the war had gotten forgotten, and been spending their lives in misery in houses without heating, without food, digging for roots to boil to survive, without any help

Maybe those mobsters will quit teaming up with the European, Russian and Middle East fpartially French funded ISIS muslim terrorists after they've swallowed 20 billions and have killed their civilians. Remember the truth of every war is it's nothing but both a mafia war and a mafia game next time they talk nonsense on us.

so you get a clearer postcard from me, sorry but I saw that flag and that got me started


Location: Norway

Post Fri Sep 30, 2022 5:14 pm   Reply with quote         

ledirlo? What is your point? Be short.

Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

Location: france

Post Sat Oct 01, 2022 8:53 am   Reply with quote         

point is a war in Ukraine has been looming in Europe for like 30 years and it's been prepared by both Russian and Ukrainian guys, and as you know western guys (like Biden's son Hunter) are into weird stuff in Ukraine. It's orchestrated stuff that's meant to grab both russia's and Ukraine's leadership, and the leadership within nato, Europe and the un at the same time and it was planned.

just like for WW2 and WW1, because russia"s land and natural ressources mean unbelievable wealth. that's my point, bs that means to have allied Russian, European and US citizens die and/or pay. That's short...Biden gave that terrorist government, not the civilians, 12 freaking more billions yesterday...with that you eliminate hunger/misery in your country, I'm struck by the huge disinformation there is about the whole history and region to the taxpayer, and by the genuine empathy there is for the suffering civilians... geesh the same things go on in Africa no-one gives a damn because they're black at all...

Both Ukraine and Turkey and their common fascist and muslim mafia have been the #1 tool for racketting nato+the eec for a long time, and both the government and our powers, freedoms have changed in a bad way in Western Europe thank to that...I see more fascism and racket of the population by the government coming up here, that deeply linked to that war we legally have nothing to do with

Well that's my short answer ;) rising fascism and racket, manipulation of opinions for a third western nasty political wave upon us..and I'd like to go "time out" at it. In Western Europe , Paris, my neighbourhood was like Europe's and more leader due to it's geographical situation, and that's a nice, democratic life, and some time ago everything changed like under socialist oath, and it's linked to some intrications with Ukraine/turkey
/greece during the ISIS wars I won't bother you with

too late seemingly ;)

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