jcfreak6363 wrote:
Well Marx Man AND ground zero, like I have said before, I'm not an expert at PS and I know my VISION may not be up to par with yours or anyone elses here but I like how it turned out if you don't thats fine too just try not being such a dick with your comments. Be CONSTRUCTIVE NOT DESTRUCTIVE

Calling it, how I see it, is destructive?
Firstly you just admitted why you 'Suck at Photoshop'
Open your legitimate copy of Photoshop... Go to any number of tutorials... follow them...
Don't follow them thinking, I know this and it is boring.
Follow them from start to finish, what you will be learning is how different artists do things and finding out which method you actually prefer and how much utility you get from them.
You never know what new tricks and short cuts you will learn, it all adds to your repertoire.
There are about 3 ways to change colour off the top of my head. The hue and saturation, a layer with a blending mode, the blending options themselves.
I am pretty sure there are many more detailed ways of doing that and I can implement many more myself those are just three.
But you don't get better at Photoshop by defending the works you have done, that only makes you better at intellectualising the work as art to people who can't see why you have done something.
I can spend a good solid hour explaining why a normal square is connotative of so many things, but does that mean I can make a perfect square and represent it in a new way which isn't the old tired face on approach.
When I developed the logo I made, I had certain parameters that couldn't change, like the symbolism due to the reasons behind them, but the layout could, the spacing could be changed too, the font and the size of the font and indeed it needed to be.
After hearing others take 'the piss' or criticise the logo sure I could defend it, but I also knew that the audience is my decoder, if they decode my encoded message poorly because certain elements aren't spaced properly or if I assumed people have more insight or capability than they actually do etc... It makes me a bad encoder, and though I may not like to admit that I made choices during the process that could have been better, at least I wont be making as many permanent mistakes in the final product and ultimately could make no mistakes.
This is what art is, it's your impression on the world and the world can talk back and tell you how shit it is BUT it can also place the work on the pedestal most artists aspire to.
You have two elements, Form... Your ability to use the tools proficiently.
Function... Your vision which you manifest using the form.