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Tue May 17, 2011 3:21 pm Reply with quote
GuidedByPandas wrote: Or do folk just use the single comment box in the entry they vote for to comment on both entries?
That's your anwer (sorry for being lazy, and not write it myself  )
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: Florida
Tue May 17, 2011 3:22 pm Reply with quote
GbP, you can only comment on one entry, but you can make a comment toward the other entry while you say whatever you were going to say toward the person you were voting for.
Example: I voted for this because "...." The other entry was good because "..." but "...." didn't work for me, I'd make it better by "..."
etc etc. 
Location: Masurian Lake District
Tue May 17, 2011 3:50 pm Reply with quote
I think there is couple more mistakes in H2H.
Comments is one thing and what I would change is that I would put both images thumbnails by each other, in one line. Always when I look at some entries now, the one below seems to be less important.
And as we can't leave links to externals I would make them obligatory. Just when uploading there should be couple empty boxes to put external links into them.
Just my opinion. But you could see how much work is in the entry than. Sometimes people does amazing things, and the're done so well that other might think it's just an external.
What do you guys think?
Location: California
Tue May 17, 2011 3:57 pm Reply with quote
Rangizzz wrote: I think there is couple more mistakes in H2H.
Comments is one thing and what I would change is that I would put both images thumbnails by each other, in one line. Always when I look at some entries now, the one below seems to be less important.
And as we can't leave links to externals I would make them obligatory. Just when uploading there should be couple empty boxes to put external links into them.
Just my opinion. But you could see how much work is in the entry than. Sometimes people does amazing things, and the're done so well that other might think it's just an external.
What do you guys think?
I like the externals idea for sure. I don't have the same problem with how the pictures are laid out, but the point is no less valid.
Location: Michi-gan
Tue May 17, 2011 4:11 pm Reply with quote
i agree there should be something for an authors note... i saw some last year that were so close and i ended up voting for something i thought was ps and turned out to be externals... not that there is anything wrong with externals, it's just some people are so good you cant tell the difference
Location: Florida
Tue May 17, 2011 6:41 pm Reply with quote
I agree that it'd be nice to know what kind of work went into each chop.... but at the same time, having something personal like an author's note can give so much away about who made the chop and puts anonymity at risk.
I think it'd open up a whole new can of worms for people to complain about, as if we didn't have enough of that with the way things are already.
Rangizzz may be on to something, though... No actual author's note, but links to externals possibly uploaded to the server so that external URL's can't identify the chopper? Maybe they need to be reviewed by a mod before being public so that it's sure not to have any identifying factor?
Sounds like a lot of work, but beneficial nonetheless.
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Tue May 17, 2011 7:15 pm Reply with quote
Author notes could tip off who the author is. I say, have some boxes that the author can check when submitting. An All Source and PS box would be an easy one. Number of externals used. Any other common notes. Or have a slider or scale with one side being all source and the other side being mostly externals
an anonymous externals page might be a neat addition to PSC, but that's starting to go beyond the simple ideas, but it is a good one.
Location: Seattle, WA
Tue May 17, 2011 9:12 pm Reply with quote
A suggestion re: externals:
Entrant loads pic and voluntarily loads a pic of the externals to the PSC Server. The externals pic is simple, say 900px x 900px, no text** , just resized pics of the externals, and limit file size to say 150kib or less (to save server space).
Reviewing pics of externals is much easier than managing many links to externals. And what if an entrant uses their own externals? A PSC-stored pic of externals eliminates identification of entrant by link address. [Unless of course you use a picture of yourself as an external - then we get to chop the daylights out of it!  ]
Creation of this 'externals pic' is the responsibility of the entrant. Since we load externals into our program during the creation process anyway, just create this image file at the same time. It's really simple.
In the review/voting interface, just add a psc link to the externals image; leave it up to the voter to decide whether they want (or not) to include viewing externals in their evaluation process.
** If there are no externals, submit a small blank white page with text: "No externals" in courier font; this action just makes it clear that there are no externals while minimizing user interface design change.
Obviously I have thought about this, but I'm good no matter what and I'm just happy to be here and playing. 
Location: Australia
Tue May 17, 2011 9:27 pm Reply with quote
Come on guys this is the H2H
Its tradition
Its part of PSC
It has worked for ages, (Right or wrong)
Lets just enjoy it and try to fix it (If it needs fixing)
After the contest is over
Enjoy what it is and not what you want it to be
Its the freakin H2H 
Location: Canadian Prairies, eh?
Tue May 17, 2011 10:34 pm Reply with quote
I appreciate the discussion here.
Personally, I think contests such as these (H2H, Reunions, and other specials) don't need the references or body of proof: it's simple enough to offer these up in a thread for each round.
I really enjoy seeing each creation as a stand-alone work. No commentary or excuses, no hand-holding to the focal point or allusions to the premise by the author.
Eye of the beholder, and all that.
Location: Australia
Tue May 17, 2011 10:44 pm Reply with quote
Trann wrote: I appreciate the discussion here.
Personally, I think contests such as these (H2H, Reunions, and other specials) don't need the references or body of proof: it's simple enough to offer these up in a thread for each round.
I really enjoy seeing each creation as a stand-alone work. No commentary or excuses, no hand-holding to the focal point or allusions to the premise by the author.
Eye of the beholder, and all that.
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Tue May 17, 2011 10:44 pm Reply with quote
It is what it is..... pfffffft.
People should shave their heads when they lose. I just do what I'm told. How was I supposed to know that that wasn't an actual rule?
Location: Seattle, WA
Tue May 17, 2011 11:40 pm Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote: ...
Enjoy what it is and not what you want it to be
Its the freakin H2H  Actually, I like it just the way it is. I'm too fresh to be "up in arms". For me that other conversation was anxiety talk - just passing the time until I get my butt stomped and I'm standing in the Losers Lounge 'cause I can't sit for a week.
My take on that discussion was that folk want to do their best to ensure the best entry moves on. So I offered a proven suggestion. But the reality is that voting is hard no matter how many decision-making tools are provided. As long as we are human there will always be a subjective component. And to be honest, if voting was distilled to purely objective measures, I wouldn't like that. Art should not satisfy all uniformly. That would be scary.
For you the H2H is tradition, but for me it is a new experience. That doesn't lessen or trivialize the event - I'm plenty excited! I hope I can continue to contribute to the creative burst this year, but what I really look forward to is drinking in the collective skillful visual imagination this group of talent will unleash. You don't know just how happy I am to be here.
Location: Permanent vacation from Nor Cal
Tue May 17, 2011 11:53 pm Reply with quote
I think it's fair to discuss ways to improve. Thats the problem, people (websites) grow complacent and don't move forward and get left behind. Just cause the h2h has always been one way doesnt mean it can't benefit from change. This is the superbowl of PSC. A lot of good ideas were brought out last year and this thread has a few. The play-in round was fu--king brilliant despite the no-shows, everyone had the opportunity to participate.
Maybe we can execute some of these ideas-concerns to make the next h2h (winter?) the best ever.
“I had a dream I could buy my way to heaven, when I awoke I spent that on a necklace.”~~~ Kanye West
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