nat_g31 wrote:
I think it's fair to discuss ways to improve...people (websites) grow complacent...doesnt mean it can't benefit from change.
**This is the superbowl of PSC. round was fu--king brilliant despite the no-shows, everyone had the opportunity to participate.

I agree, though I understand the viewpoint of the images mostly standing on their own.
As to commenting; so far I've voted on about half (my easier h2h winners) and commented on half of those. As I was voting I was thinking that voting is also a comment — wordless — like the images, and some of our our reasons for preferring one image, while valid, we may prefer to articulate only with that vote. So then I decided not to feel *too bad* if I didn't comment on every h2h.
Good job round 2 entries!
Oh, and one point that someone made about top-of-page visual weight - I think the 'top' image changes randomly each time any h2h page loads?