Figured I'd make one up with all the comps so no one feels left out....alrighty time to make some predicitons
deshone vs Trann deshone
Grefix vs sonic3 gref
metalic vs edovan metalic
supak0ma vs Rangizzz supa (gunna be a close one)
Zetape vs Netwel netwel
bogonet vs Sliver sliver
captainSMITTY11 vs Designed2522
glennhanna vs annajon glenn
Claf vs UntExp claf
TJ vs nat_g31 nat (match up im most looking forward to...two of my favs)
anfa vs kevindey anfa
abraham vs Tesore abraham
bogsy vs x,sylvia bogsy
Dream_weaver vs rockyjob RJ
Goat1981 vs JORDAN792 jordan
the202 vs nifft the202
there's gunna be a lot of tough choices this round
good luck to all