Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - "All source" - Reply to topic
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Location: Canada
Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:17 am Reply with quote
I'm convinced no one actually thinks an "all source" image is any better than one that includes externals, as shown by the H2H entries. It's a conspiracy. We've been told they're better and more difficult to produce and that only naive PS nobodies dislike them; And no one wants to be labelled a nobody - it's like being officially declared worthless by the state. So we continue to pay more attention to an image that declares itself "all source"
I agree that maybe they take more time to produce, and that sometimes a masterpiece comes from the skill on show but I believe the real power lies in incorporating externals well, and using PS to produce objects, details etc that can only be done this way, and to add to said image.
Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:50 am Reply with quote
From billtv profile questions.. billtvshow wrote: the original and correct reason for doing an "all source" chop is to show that you can use nothing but the source and create a coherent, clean chop in a very creative fashion. However, since then, it has essentially become a way to say "Hey, look at me, I only used the source to create this cool looking thing and because I used all source and it took a lot of time, you should forgive all the mistakes I made, such as hasty cutouts, blurry edges, shadows, perspective, etc. and give me a vote."
I pretty much agree on that
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: Canada
Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:46 am Reply with quote
I see the links but I guess I'm irritated by the use of the phrase "all source" under an entry. I think the image should speak for itself and that "all source" is almost a plea for votes.
Location: Canada
Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:47 am Reply with quote
Grefix wrote: From billtv profile questions.. billtvshow wrote: the original and correct reason for doing an "all source" chop is to show that you can use nothing but the source and create a coherent, clean chop in a very creative fashion. However, since then, it has essentially become a way to say "Hey, look at me, I only used the source to create this cool looking thing and because I used all source and it took a lot of time, you should forgive all the mistakes I made, such as hasty cutouts, blurry edges, shadows, perspective, etc. and give me a vote."
I pretty much agree on that
Me too
Location: On the way to Utopia!
Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:08 am Reply with quote
Imo you make this 'issue' to big. Sometimes I like to make an all source image, just to challange myself. When I write AS under the image you will understand why I can't show any externals. And you can stop searching for it
It has nothing to do with mistakes and any tolerance for mistakes.
What really annoys me is the term: GO BIG!
If they tell me to GO BIG, I never do it!

Location: Michi-gan
Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:22 am Reply with quote
i agree, All source is a personal challenge for me... and tesore put it well, saying, it's a way to let you know there are no externals....
billtv also put it very well. if it's a good chop i will vote for it. all source or not

Location: Canada
Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:24 am Reply with quote
Tesore wrote: Imo you make this 'issue' to big. Sometimes I like to make an all source image, just to challange myself. When I write AS under the image you will understand why I can't show any externals. And you can stop searching for it
It has nothing to do with mistakes and any tolerance for mistakes.
What really annoys me is the term: GO BIG!
If they tell me to GO BIG, I never do it!

I have to disagree, "all source " is much more irritating. If it's all source then it has to be kick ass. "Go big" might mean look at the details, or that something is lost when the image is its regular size.
When I look at an image I can see what has been created and where there has been an external used. I don't need to search for an external @any time.
But I think that some images are being overlooked because they use externals. When I look @ your entries I see that you usually work with a combination and as I said before, if it's all source then it should have been worth the trouble!
I equally dislike cut and paste jobs but I think that they're of equal merit if done thoughtfully and executed well.
Location: On the way to Utopia!
Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:48 am Reply with quote
1. Irritation is a personal thing. When you hate it real much, don't vote for them. Easy peasy!
2. The 'Go Big'! If people don't have the respect for your image as it should be, then I'm not the one who try to change that folkes.
Let people do what they like best! And ignore what you don't wanna see. Everybody happy.
Location: Australia
Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:58 am Reply with quote
Like it
Hate it
All source
No source
Who cares
If ya like it good
If ya dont good
You Guys take this place way way to serious
Chill ma PSC brothers and sisters
and just enjoy the image
Location: Canada
Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:06 pm Reply with quote
Tesore wrote: 1. Irritation is a personal thing. When you hate it real much, don't vote for them. Easy peasy!
2. The 'Go Big'! If people don't have the respect for your image as it should be, then I'm not the one who try to change that folkes.
Let people do what they like best! And ignore what you don't wanna see. Everybody happy.
My irritation is personal, that's true, but I want what's best for this site. I vote for what I want to vote for but I just wanted to hear other peoples views. I honestly think that the site would be better if all the "all source" images were worth their salt. I'm just letting out my frustration at the fact that a lot of great images do badly and a lot of awful images do well. And if I look back at older posts before the "all source" mantra came about, you see a much better representation of PS skills layered down in the votes.
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:26 pm Reply with quote
There's a line that can be crossed with externals. But you are right about the skill that it takes to incorporate an external into an entry. I find for me that it's easier to work all source..... I figure if I'm going to have to make a lot of lighting, tonal, and color changes to externals, I might as well create it myself so that I can feel like what I created belongs to me.... it's just more personal. Plus I don't need to search for close-to-perfect externals for hours on end.
Using externals is a skill for sure. I have to admit that I don't like to use externals mostly because I'm not good at using them. Cutting out objects also drives me crazy.
You bring up an interesting point. A couple of years ago I would have said that All Source was always better. But now that I know the complexities of using externals, the end result pretty much speaks for itself...... it's when somebody uses an external of art or a background somebody else created in photoshop that gives the practice a bad rap.
Location: Michigan
Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:35 pm Reply with quote
I've only done 1 AS chop since I've been here. I did it as a personal challenge as opposed to trying to get votes due to it.
In my opinion only, other then the few prize contests, this really isn't a "competition". I never have done a chop with the frame of mind "I must win!". I do it to: Allow my self to be creative, work with a program I enjoy, display my work, and maybe get some feed back on how to do better. Some contests have some real talent, some have new people just learning.....but using the term AS to some, like me, it more a "hey, I was actually able to do this".
When it comes down to it, it's not that hard to pick out the AS chops most of the time, and adding an EXT doesn't "hurt" the creative process. I look at that term as someone being proud of their accomplishment.......
...and if they did an AS image I applaud them.....but if it looks like shit (to me), I don't vote for it.
I personally don't care for the voting system here so I rarely vote.... but I love the site, the people, the talent, and the opportunity to look at peoples work for free and have a frame of reference what they started with. If you keep a frame of mind that this is realistically a place to make friends and have fun.....none of the other shit that may bug you, matters.
Location: Canada
Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:40 pm Reply with quote
Tad wrote: I've only done 1 AS chop since I've been here. I did it as a personal challenge as opposed to trying to get votes due to it.
In my opinion only, other then the few prize contests, this really isn't a "competition". I never have done a chop with the frame of mind "I must win!". I do it to: Allow my self to be creative, work with a program I enjoy, display my work, and maybe get some feed back on how to do better. Some contests have some real talent, some have new people just learning.....but using the term AS to some, like me, it more a "hey, I was actually able to do this".
When it comes down to it, it's not that hard to pick out the AS chops most of the time, and adding an EXT doesn't "hurt" the creative process. I look at that term as someone being proud of their accomplishment.......
...and if they did an AS image I applaud them.....but if it looks like shit (to me), I don't vote for it.
I personally don't care for the voting system here so I rarely vote.... but I love the site, the people, the talent, and the opportunity to look at peoples work for free and have a frame of reference what they started with. If you keep a frame of mind that this is realistically a place to make friends and have fun.....none of the other shit that may bug you, matters.
Your positivity is infectious and your reasoning sound but I like to bitch a little. 
Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:39 pm Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote: You Guys take this place way way to serious
Chill ma PSC brothers and sisters
and just enjoy the image
i disagree
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - "All source" - Reply to topic
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