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Location: Independent Scotland
Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:24 am Reply with quote
TJ wrote: charliesou wrote:
 WTF?  Nice find Charlie!
This should get good now.
Not that it matters, but some kind of word from proc or the mods (if known) would have been nice.
Wonder who's the big cheese now and what do they plan to do with PSC?
Thanks Todd. I had previously posted a comment regarding the NO prizes situation, but the comments were so mind numbingly apathetic that I gave up and did'nt renew my advantage till the matter was addressed. The feeling seemed to be..Prizes ? .This is not about Prizes ! We are here because we love this community and, its not about the winning its about taking part ! etc. etc.
It was'nt untill Martrex posted his Prizes query that I decided to delve into the mysterious Procyon, and came up with the "astonishing" revelations regarding the lack of prizes for the last SEVEN MONTHS !
Am I writing this to garner some kind of kudos ? You're fucking right I am, 'cause if I did'nt they would still be bleating into the wind about how we are a family and all that crap. Also, if the moderators knew about this, then they are as guilty as the pigs at Lehman Bros. who kept their gubs shut when they knew it was going down the toilet and kept taking hard cash from their investors (they too were a family) knowing it was going straight into the friendly CEO's pocket.
Usually I am drunk when I rant like a loony....not this time.
Charliesou (non-advantaged)

Location: Photoshop Nation
Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:32 am Reply with quote
wow, time for a drink, charlie! it is nothing like the lehman situation 
Location: Independent Scotland
Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:38 am Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote:
Sorry, could you explain that ? I'm not fluent in gibberish.
Are you from the antipodes ?
Location: Rochester, New York
Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:22 am Reply with quote
I am sorry, but I have this strange feeling that this site will be used as a money making scheme for the new owners.
If the new owners cared about the community they would have been up front from the beginning. My belief why they kept it a secret is because they were afraid many members would jump ship and not renew their advantages. Hopefully I am wrong.
My biggest fear is the copyright of everyones' images.
Here is a question to think about: Do the members have total rights to the images they have posted? Or do the owners?
Location: Norway
Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:27 am Reply with quote
Heinlein wrote: I am sorry, but I have this strange feeling that this site will be used as a money making scheme for the new owners.
Happy members = Lots of money. Thats is how internet works 
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:53 am Reply with quote
Reading all this has made me ponder on the happenings here and what the future will be and I am experiencing some general concern.
How much monies are generated on this site is not of any concern to me as I am not an owner or an investor. I would assume that the images on the site are property of the site and I have no objection to that as we probably agreed to that as a condition of joining the site. Owners have a right to profit from their investment. And if they make lots of profit bravo good on them! Prizes/votes do not concern me as I am here to enjoy the banter and to hopefully learn something new and basically have fun.
I am however concerned that this has been kept under wraps, almost as this was some kind of clandestine deal and a condition of sale in case there would be no mass exodus from the site. This only would go to reinforce the notion that the previous owner was totally out of touch with his users as everyone here seems generally happy that he is no longer here. The the fact that the new owner/owners have not come forward lead me to believe that the site has purchased by some larger entity and this now becomes a sideline product for them, I don't hold out much hope for any improvements. However when it comes to money I abhorred the previous owner when he asked for free artwork from the members for his friends etc. Many members here make their living in the graphic arts field and I always thought that this was a slap to them.
My advantage is up next spring and I can assure the new owner/owners that before I renew I will seriously weigh how they repond over the next few months. I have been an advantage member only to support the site, and if the ownership does not come forward with at least an acknowledgement as to who they are and hopefully a list of changes they intend to implement or even announce that the status quo will be maintained I will not support this site in anyway through a renewal of my advantage.
This site's value IMHO is the total of the members who contribute by chopping, bantering on the forum and participating in chat. Without these members the total value of this site in zero. It would seem to me if I owned this site I would be a little more communicative and caring towards my only asset.
KInd regards
Location: Rochester, New York
Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:08 am Reply with quote
seamusoisin wrote: Reading all this has made me ponder on the happenings here and what the future will be and I am experiencing some general concern.
How much monies are generated on this site is not of any concern to me as I am not an owner or an investor. I would assume that the images on the site are property of the site and I have no objection to that as we probably agreed to that as a condition of joining the site. Owners have a right to profit from their investment. And if they make lots of profit bravo good on them! Prizes/votes do not concern me as I am here to enjoy the banter and to hopefully learn something new and basically have fun.
I am however concerned that this has been kept under wraps, almost as this was some kind of clandestine deal and a condition of sale in case there would be no mass exodus from the site. This only would go to reinforce the notion that the previous owner was totally out of touch with his users as everyone here seems generally happy that he is no longer here. The the fact that the new owner/owners have not come forward lead me to believe that the site has purchased by some larger entity and this now becomes a sideline product for them, I don't hold out much hope for any improvements. However when it comes to money I abhorred the previous owner when he asked for free artwork from the members for his friends etc. Many members here make their living in the graphic arts field and I always thought that this was a slap to them.
My advantage is up next spring and I can assure the new owner/owners that before I renew I will seriously weigh how they repond over the next few months. I have been an advantage member only to support the site, and if the ownership does not come forward with at least an acknowledgement as to who they are and hopefully a list of changes they intend to implement or even announce that the status quo will be maintained I will not support this site in anyway through a renewal of my advantage.
This site's value IMHO is the total of the members who contribute by chopping, bantering on the forum and participating in chat. Without these members the total value of this site in zero. It would seem to me if I owned this site I would be a little more communicative and caring towards my only asset.
KInd regards
Very well put! My advantage is up July 2nd. I will not be renewing until a formal announcement is made concerning the future of this site.
I love this site and have been supporting it since 2005. It is the members who make this a community.
I am asking the new owners to come forward with their plans for PSC.
Location: Massachusetts
Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:08 am Reply with quote
seamusoisin wrote: Reading all this has made me ponder on the happenings here and what the future will be and I am experiencing some general concern.
How much monies are generated on this site is not of any concern to me as I am not an owner or an investor. I would assume that the images on the site are property of the site and I have no objection to that as we probably agreed to that as a condition of joining the site. Owners have a right to profit from their investment. And if they make lots of profit bravo good on them! Prizes/votes do not concern me as I am here to enjoy the banter and to hopefully learn something new and basically have fun.
I am however concerned that this has been kept under wraps, almost as this was some kind of clandestine deal and a condition of sale in case there would be no mass exodus from the site. This only would go to reinforce the notion that the previous owner was totally out of touch with his users as everyone here seems generally happy that he is no longer here. The the fact that the new owner/owners have not come forward lead me to believe that the site has purchased by some larger entity and this now becomes a sideline product for them, I don't hold out much hope for any improvements. However when it comes to money I abhorred the previous owner when he asked for free artwork from the members for his friends etc. Many members here make their living in the graphic arts field and I always thought that this was a slap to them.
My advantage is up next spring and I can assure the new owner/owners that before I renew I will seriously weigh how they repond over the next few months. I have been an advantage member only to support the site, and if the ownership does not come forward with at least an acknowledgement as to who they are and hopefully a list of changes they intend to implement or even announce that the status quo will be maintained I will not support this site in anyway through a renewal of my advantage.
This site's value IMHO is the total of the members who contribute by chopping, bantering on the forum and participating in chat. Without these members the total value of this site in zero. It would seem to me if I owned this site I would be a little more communicative and caring towards my only asset.
KInd regards
i couldn't have said it any better myself this is a fun place but i will not continue to pay for advantage service unless i know that the new owners are devoted to making this better or at the very least keeping it the same
Location: Rochester, New York
Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:15 am Reply with quote
Also I am afraid to renew my advantage now because who knows what type of system the new owners have for payment transactions.
Location: On the way to Utopia!
Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:36 am Reply with quote
Heinlein wrote: I am sorry, but I have this strange feeling that this site will be used as a money making scheme for the new owners.
If the new owners cared about the community they would have been up front from the beginning. My belief why they kept it a secret is because they were afraid many members would jump ship and not renew their advantages. Hopefully I am wrong.
My biggest fear is the copyright of everyones' images.
Here is a question to think about: Do the members have total rights to the images they have posted? Or do the owners?
The copyright of each image I made stays with me!
I pay this site for the storage of my portfolio. I.m.o.
Why should I pay to give away my own images? That wouldn't make sence.
Before I start @ PSC - 5 years ago - I read the rules! And the PSC rules don't mention anything about expiring your ©opyright by participating of the competitions.
Location: Massachusetts
Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:41 am Reply with quote
tes how can they say what they said in the sale of the site then where they were saying how many images they were selling something like 170000 unique images
Location: Massachusetts
Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:45 am Reply with quote
*Borrows Blue Lurker's soap box.* I, for one, am optimistic. I know we are in good hands, no matter who the new owners are or what they have in mind.
In essence, we, the members, were pushed out of the nest then JMH secretly sold PSC. We all, including -and possibly especially- Emmanuel, had some rough lessons learning the difference between "caring for" and merely "supporting" this site. But Emmanuel did one thing exactly right. He shared copies of the "back-door key " with trusted and caring developers. They might not have ALL the powers of the administration, but between them, PSC has flown higher, farther, faster, and stronger than would have ever been feasible had Procyon not shared any more power than JMH had. Our developers and moderators have taken on the added responsibilities of actually running PSC, and have grown into a good team to get things done and keep everything running smoothly. After all, right smack in the middle of the sale of PSC and changeover to the new owner's servers, we've been having a terrific H2H tournament! Between our developers and our mod team, we ARE in good hands.
People might make snide remarks about the wisdom of spending $31k for the purchase of PSC. But anyone wise enough to garner such capital or credit will surely be wise enough to continue observing and listening to PSC's developers, moderators, and members. And I don't even disagree with our new owner's initial silence. It is very difficult to assess "natural behaviors" when your subjects know they are being observed. This leads me to expect more thoughtful leadership and carefully planned changes and not just formulaic changes for the sake of change and the bottom line. Even with a (cynical yet probable) goal of increasing profits, changes toward that end simply won't work if the changes themselves cause a mass exodus and site collapse.
Location: On the way to Utopia!
Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:49 am Reply with quote
bud1121 wrote: tes how can they say what they said in the sale of the site then where they were saying how many images they were selling something like 170000 unique images
Where is my money???

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