Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Contests and Entries - H2H round 7-semifinal externals - Reply to topic
Location: Someday I'll be home for good.
Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:09 am Reply with quote
First, Thanks for the votes and comments. I wouldn't go as far as this without the comments that really helped me to be more careful with my chops.
After posting my entry I still noticed some mistakes which the voters also noticed. The birds and the blurry parts on the left stone cliff. I corrected it even after posting my entry and now here's the result, posting it with all the externals i used.
Location: The Netherlands
Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:11 am Reply with quote
Nice one Abraham, and congrats! Looks like we have a great final!
(The birds on this entry seems different than the birds on your H2H entry btw)
Site Moderator
Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:50 pm Reply with quote
DaVinci wrote: Nice one Abraham, and congrats! Looks like we have a great final!
(The birds on this entry seems different than the birds on your H2H entry btw) Birds are from the source, flipped horizontally, distorted and masked.
Location: Someday I'll be home for good.
Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:01 pm Reply with quote
vokaris wrote: DaVinci wrote: Nice one Abraham, and congrats! Looks like we have a great final!
(The birds on this entry seems different than the birds on your H2H entry btw) Birds are from the source, flipped horizontally, distorted and masked.
 Yes, Vokaris, that's it. Thanks for showing. I want to post the psd file but it's messy and confusing. I need to delete first the unnecessary layers.
@DaVinci, it was not on the H2H because i already posted my entry before I realized that the original birds really didn't match for the image. It doesn't matter anyway, the one in the H2H is still the official entry.
Location: The Netherlands
Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:16 pm Reply with quote
I see, but that's not what I mean...just saying that the end product photo in this tread has different "birds" than the entry on the H2H.
Maybe it's just my computer not updating that photo, I don't know...o well, no big deal, nice win! 
Site Moderator
Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:49 pm Reply with quote
DaVinci wrote: I see, but that's not what I mean...just saying that the end product photo in this tread has different "birds" than the entry on the H2H.
Maybe it's just my computer not updating that photo, I don't know...o well, no big deal, nice win!  Now I understand your comment. I'm a bit slow today.
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:46 pm Reply with quote
Externals are circled or labeled in yellow. The background is just a lazy empty lunchroom that I darkened and added some lighting effects. Same thing with the table (although the source was actually a floor).. Shirts are manipulated and warped to give caricature feel, shirt tags are from source. Other use of source include glasses, glass frames, fork, plates, and spinach. I also created some salt and pepper shakers from the source and added some more forks, but that looked too crappy and cluttered, so I took them out. Oh, and I forgot to highlight the three chairs on the left side of the table (I created the baby chair). Flesh is painted, hair on left guy is painted.... Sorry about the eyes, I debated about adding some shading and then forgot about it in the rush to wrap it up before deadline. This is also my first painted image where I did not reference a subject for lighting, I just let my mind go to work.

I have my limitations to what I can do. So I went with the idea that stuck in my head and had fun with it. I knew people weren't too thrilled with abraham's Alice in Wonder Land chop in round 6 in that it was confusing to how the source was implemented. I thought for sure that my creative entry was clear as day as having to relate to the source. No, I didn't use much source, but figured the image recreated the source with the scene that I created. I don't mind losing to Rangizzz's entry at all, his was superb, better executed, and far more deserving to move onto the final. I'd just like to point out what I thought was pretty obvious, but a few commenters had missed..... if you can't see what I saw at this point, I can't help you.
I had a lot of fun in this year's H2H. Thanks for the 1 year advantage prize, I can't wait to start chopping in the dailies. Thanks for all the feedback and votes. Congrats to Rangizzz. Beautiful work. Good Luck in the final!
Location: Home
Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:54 pm Reply with quote
Congratulations to all the finalist and to you Sir. Good luck in the final!
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Location: Planet Earth
Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:52 pm Reply with quote
glennhanna wrote: I have my limitations to what I can do. So I went with the idea that stuck in my head and had fun with it.
Thanks for the explanation. It's now clear to me what you saw. The creativity factor's off the Richter scale. Excellent work, Glenn.
Nice win, Rangizz. Looking forward to the final round. 
_________________ If you're going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance!
thank u Tawiskaro
Location: Michigan
Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:59 pm Reply with quote
DaVinci wrote: I see, but that's not what I mean...just saying that the end product photo in this tread has different "birds" than the entry on the H2H.
Maybe it's just my computer not updating that photo, I don't know...o well, no big deal, nice win! 
He said in his 1st post that the birds he posted here are not the same ones in the contest entry..... if that's whats confusing ya
@ glennhanna. I really loved your entry. I had fun looking back and forth to compare. I was, as some others, lost on the caterpillar last round (unfortunately I didn't appreciate it as much as I did after seeing the post on it)... but I saw yours right away. Well done 
Location: On the way to Utopia!
Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:45 am Reply with quote
Thanks Glenn. I have to admit I didn't see it the first time. After looking @ the 4 chops I opened the source picture again and than I saw it.
After looking 5, 6, 7 times to all 4 images, I took my dart and threw... with my eyes closed.
Congrads guys and good luck in the final.

Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:47 am Reply with quote
a) Glen - I am such a dullard and slow-ish kinda dude.
I will shamefacedly admit I did NOT get your chop. I thought "what frickin colour pill did Glen take before starting his chop?"  I admit, I was in the middle of some stressful life issues at the time and I probably did not take the time that your entry deserved for review. If I had gotten your concept at voting time it would have made it MUCH harder to decide where to put my vote. In short: Very Well Seen, Dude!
b) Abraham: nice work, I appreciate your "updates", and congrats on your win.

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:06 am Reply with quote
glennhanna wrote: I have my limitations to what I can do. So I went with the idea that stuck in my head and had fun with it. I knew people weren't too thrilled with abraham's Alice in Wonder Land chop in round 6 in that it was confusing to how the source was implemented. I thought for sure that my creative entry was clear as day as having to relate to the source. No, I didn't use much source, but figured the image recreated the source with the scene that I created.
Thanks Glenn! And also thanks for your PSD file on the other thread!
Your image was easily the most creative of the 7th round. Totally out of the box! And it is clear it was very hard work.
I saw the relation between eyes, glasses and mouth shapes of the 2 characters from the left and the windows shapes & positions from the source. Also the mouth & gums of the 3rd character. But not the other details like the fork or baby.
I'm not sure what was supposed to make your image better. Maybe keeping the brick texture into the faces, like unhealthy and damage skin... like badly nourished kids  ... keeping the shapes of eyes & mouths a bit more identical from doors & windows from the source... keeping the mountain in background, like if they were at picnic in a park... ... don't know!
Congrats for your H2H work & BIG effort! 
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:27 pm Reply with quote
Thanks Eve, Tad, Tesore, ReinMan, and Claf. I love the picnic idea Claf. I think the walls and window bars got me hung up on the creepy orphanage idea. An outdoor scene with the mountain in the back would have translated my idea better. I guess the lesson to take from this is that just because a final image that I like pops into my head, doesn't mean to stop brainstorming for other ideas. Note to self.... "Stop watching so many prison and kids in orphanage movies, and watch more movies about picnics." 
Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:51 pm Reply with quote
glennhanna wrote: "Stop watching so many prison and kids in orphanage movies, and watch more movies about picnics." 
I have a suggestion for you...
I heard it is unsurpassed and unforgettable! 
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