Votes should be adjusted to the amount of entries.
1 vote per 5 entries.
More than often I see someone give all their votes away. That - in my opinion - is just being nice, rather then voting for bringing the best chops to the top.
I also think that a vote should contain two parts.
1. You HAVE to give a point to either Idea, Theme, Execution, etc.. (Our galleries won't change anymore if you don't)
2. You have to scale your vote from 1 to 5.
If you give X 5 points, then you can't give Y 5 points anymore, but 4, 3, 2 or 1 instead.
By this system, it requires you have seen all the images first, and even wait until the non-advantage people have submitted their image. That would be fair in my opinion to do so.
It also requires some selective thinking rather then push the 'vote+next entry' button and come back the next day.
I guess everyone has their ideas, but I doubt it will change the way things are now