I was told to be CREATIVE when saying my first hello and to not just come out and say "hi I'm new here". On that note....hello. I am inexperienced to this web site and have only been here a very short time.
My name is izbyia. Everyone calls me izzy though so you pick. I never took any ps class but consider myself to be very creative. I have been doing this for a short period of time but found it to be almost threraputic. I will be the first to admit my chops may not always be perfect but there's something to be said about inspiration and creativity. In the process I will always try to improve my imperections.
So.... hope to get to know some of you and hope I can ask for advice when need be. In the mean time enjoy my pics for what they are! Thanks everyone! Glad to be here.
(Hope that was good enough to be not considered spam. Pls don't delete me
