You are missing my point. You focus on weapons only, while i was talking about 'violence'. I know things were different back in the 50's, i got parents your age aswell, so dont treat me as if i never heard about how things went back then. I knew both my grand and great grandparents aswell for quite some years, i realise there is a huge contrast between now and back then. If you werent so busy about speaking long speeches, trying to sound old and wise, you could maybe agree there is just way too much violence these days a lot of kifs grow up with.
kinetic_be wrote:
Not sure what to think of that...
It gets a lot of attention, for a individual. Bad parenting? I cant judge that, but then i ask myself: how about those millions of parents who let their children play with toy guns, let them watch cartoons in where there is nothing but fighting and war... I find that far more harming then the video shown above. Im not saying every kid who plays with guns and watches violence on tv, ends up being violent, but have a look on large groups of youth, and some things speak for itself.
All im trying to say, there are worse things then that.
You know it's funny... how things have changed. I'm 54. Probably older than most of the people on here.
When I was in school, every boy had a jack knife in his pocket. Nobody got stabbed on the play ground. (A playground built on good old cement where you could crack your head open real well) We played army with toy guns. We had B.B. guns and if we didn't get in too much trouble with them, we soon had real guns. We hunted and trapped and we didn't all grow up to be murdering psychopaths. There where plenty of animals, but they weren't running rampant with rabies and making their homes in the city. We played in the dirt and never heard of disinfectant soap. We got our arses beat when we did or said cruel things.
Our parents were our parents... not our friends. If we told our parents where to stick it... well, let's just say it didn't happen because we learned respect.
There have always been bad parents as well. Those who lived vicariously through their kid's sports or whatever. Who would berate their kid for missing a catch. You could see the life drain out of them at their parents disapproval.
Parenting is about raising a child to become a useful and respectable member of society. If more parents got that, then maybe we wouldn't have all this "zero tolerance" foolishness in our schools, which actually creates more problem kids in the end.
Maybe if more "adults" realized that owning a gun, while it is a right, does not mean you, or your kids, are natural born Davy Crockett just because you're a bullet headed Saxons mother's son ("American" in other words) then all of our rights wouldn't be in jeopardy every time some tragedy occurs.
Maybe if we all remembered how Grandpa and Grand Ma handled things we would not need counselors in school every time someone drops dead.
Parading your child around for ANY reason is just plain crappy parenting. It's a child... not a trophy.