NedStark wrote:
Ok I'll bite

Just cos it's fun,
It was a play on what ReyRey asked him for...
"like some sort of comedy central channel and were on it now!"(Professor Hubert Farnsworth)..
And so he picked to draw something ReyRey had already chopped! Almost like that parody type thing, also he usually has PSD's of his drawings and even some capture type thingamajig do-dad footage...
like this
Also are you trying to say an artist can't use a reference image?
She wants to tell you your wrong but I dunno if she is happy or sad about it
Are you now in such a focused all caps rage to realise what your saying?
Your going to school a Bachelor of Art in Multimedia, Design and Animation on what it is to use Photoshop?!
I will tell you what Photoshop is as a fellow Bachelor with Honours of said degree, it's relatively superfluous program used to fix minor errors in photos and add lulz to an image on numerous websites... Oh and that's JPEG images mind you!
If you didn't know already that's the lossy kind, hence save at quality 10 kids and kiddies or your image may look like a poorly tiled lego bathroom!
Because Craw is a go to for professional photographers and... well... vector for anything else really. There are better programs for Camera RAW which any good photographer shoots in, I do and I have done photography for about 8 years along side my 3D, special effects and such. Photoshop is of very little consequence.
If your talking special effects then again PS is nothing in the face of other programs (Marx also uses) like 3DS Max, PF Track, Nuke, Maya, which utilise 3D spaces with proper lighting engines with interactive Fresnel mapping for Water and Refraction mapping aka real time lighting dynamics, Camera tracking in 3D space, compositing again in 3D space (which is where Marx draws his knowledge lighting for Photo real drawing from for his hand drawing).
Photoshop technically is out gunned for textures in Illustrator because of the scalability of vector art so Photo shop really is a bargain basement kind of program for loosely editing bigger boobs skinny waist and text which pretty much describes why clone stamp is so heavily used.
Seriously the multimedia world Photoshop is 60% Clone stamp 20% short cuts and 19% Filters with the remaining 1% professional knowledge (art may fall into that one percent somewhere next to short cut keys and batch processing) Seriously most people who hear about photoshop hear about GIMP and immediately get GIMP and then are like 1?!PROBLEM Photoshop!?! I has my clone stamp right here for free hell fuck I have a CRAW2 editor version of clone stamp in DPP it came with my Canon Camera and edits in RAW.
Even then 90% of PS's user base are 13 year olds who got it off The Pirate Bay and mainly use 'MS Paint' cos it's "so much cooler than Photoshop", do you seriously think any 9 year old has like 600 smackers in their makeshift piggy bank just to add a caption and a lime on a picture of a cat, or to doodle a laser out of some dudes mouth are you for motha flippin real
In closing be my guest school him I can just sit back and watch you get steam rolled in a topic where less than one percent of the graphics world gives a poop, and regards Photoshop as a highly overpriced novelty which does more for wasting a photographers time than a picky priest during a wedding shoot.
Bare in mind he has around 8 years exp in using the damnable thing and even he uses GIMP, because hand drawing is a very and I stress "very" low usage for Photoshop you might as well just composite a piscine (excuse my French) sketchbook doodle into one frame in After Effects for a better depth of field.
My advice is to take this whole Photoshop thing as pinch of salt on a massive turd, have a bit of banter and start preponderantly finding all of Marco Ballistics SOC accounts
Schools out.