I'll post here what I posted there, and add Tommeken's comment as well...
Tommeken (Sep 14, 2011 @ 10:47 am)
looks cool ..but wouldn't it be better if ya can't see entry vote totals ..in that way some people actually have to vote on what's good and not on what got the most votes cause i tink that happens to

otherwise cool idea
arcaico (Sep 14, 2011 @ 12:08 pm)
Tom... one of the great deals in the original format is exactly that: to follow the race. If you see an entry on top that doesn't deserve, you don't vote for it so it gets pulled behind the good ones. If you don't see the votes, you might give that crappy entry an encouragement vote, as many here like to call, and that entry might end up better than one that really deserved. It happened a lot in the old days... a crappy entry got the 1st place in the first few hours of contest... but by the end of the day, it was in page 2 already.
@supak, gref and the tvguy: implement that damn thing for all contests. You three know it worked fine and much better than any format previously used at psc.