NedStark wrote:
I just checked some of this dude Xyloz's 4 year multimedia degree master work!...
(Insert link to half arsed GIMP work completed in 2 minutes using the sand from the source image and a filter)
NedStark wrote:
Here you at LEAST used the contest image, even though your execution is that of a fifth grader.....
(Links to another 2 minute chop, done out of boredom)
NedStark wrote:
Heres a total fraud.. didn't utilize the contest pic again, take this image
(Links to a bike reference image)
NedStark wrote:
and run some solarize filter or some stupid amature shit, you slack ass wannabe artist, learn the craft.
(Links to the Bike that I took 8 hours fabricating from the chest and beak of the bird in the source)
Just because the bike was from a reference does not mean the bike wasn't all source
Copy, paste, warp and filters, there were no brushes involved, just copy, paste and warp and a few filters that's why it was a feat to do because the fucking source image was tiny, the textures were vastly varied in comparison and if you took your head out your arse long enough to see that perhaps I wouldn't have to point out the fucking obvious!
I never claimed it was a fucking original painting did I?
I said it was all from the bird you fanny!
NedStark wrote:
in your defense I think this is good art... try photoshop though, this aint no GIMP site, when using other programs the sky is the limit. here we are limited
I am not, repeat NOT going to blow £600 on shit I will never need or use to make money.
Any way that out the way my actual response.
Ad Hominim based on an Ad Hoc straw man I have to say your doing well, making an arse of yourself.
Why would you believe that any ones work on here is their best ever created?
Come on man think about it for a second, if you don't believe it your certainly insinuating it in this pointless rage.
As ReyRey once said "you want perfection pay me

I am far from ReyReys skill level I know my limits.
Every chop I have ever done on this forum has been clone stamp, copy paste, dodge and burn, blur, opacity and filters.
Every single chop I have ever produced, has been clone stamped source, you know what is even more lame, I spent less than 15 hours on all of them combined!
Considering the bike took 8, It works out I average about 1-2 hours per chop I give a shit about and I even ranked in one that only took an hour.
The rose took 2 hours, the train took 1:30, the glass took surprisingly about 2 hours cos of how finicky it was to clone stamp and add transparency, the scorpion took an hour and the rest filled about 15 minutes combined. What does that work out to...
about right yeah.
I don't make that much effort on here, the work I linked to is the only piece of proper drawing I have posted online and even then that was only 2 evenings with a mouse.
I know where the faults are there are tonnes of them I just cba cos I am not paid for it either.
I have better things to do with my time to be frank that I am being paid for.
Namely, Singing in my band or doing the photography I love, neither of which require Photoshop.
In fact I recently got through the semi finals of a singing competition in my area, which is a bit weird seeing myself in the local paper.
As for kissing arse, actually respecting good artists is never kissing arse.
And as for following Marx around like some kind of lap dog. Check his votes in competitions, I never vote for him over others, in fact I make a point of never voting for him on either anonymous or prize contests! (Sorry bro)
So where you got that Idea from is literally from some fictional book perhaps the bible or something

? I vote for things I like, not based on who chopped tbh the Mario thing was epic.
Go on check and count how many of his chops I have voted for... When I vote I comment on why I vote usually.
Just because I am his twin doesn't mean I suck up.
Just because people post on here doesn't make it their best work ever.
It's just you were wrong about his drawing, stop attacking people like a cat on a laser pen light! It's not really a contribution to anything but the ever increasing headache that is bitching for no reason.
He did/does paint, sure he used reference but he didn't trace.
Also this shit storm of posting is proper boring kinetic_be I feel for you man, no one asked for this in an art related thread so here is something I made a few years back does 3D Design count as drawing or is this cheating
In before:
NedStark wrote:
"wa wa wa you copied that off a real objects measurements."