Is this the new theme for potential winners?
The Troll Force is strong with the mods!
Don't talk about contests until they are over... Adds button to advertise chops during contests.
I say bring back arcs chop and fix your own damn site!
Sure it's anonymous but what steps other than soft banning things and hiding names have you put in place?
It seems very sloppy to half arse an anonymous contest.
And in any case with unwritten rules it becomes very easy for a new member (experienced or not) to break any unwritten rules and be met with a mod message to remove their hard work.
Put it like this Arc is a regular, how would it look to a new member spending 5+ hours to have their chance for a prize removed because of an unwritten rule, and a mechanic that is inbuilt into the site that makes the breach of said unwritten rule?
A waste of time...
A joke?
Something to learn from?
Any number of things to be frank who is to say others would be as sporting as Arc about it?
Then act on them, I have been saying this for ages!
Here is a written rule for that mod to read...
"Q: What kinds of behaviors could lead to me being banned from the site?
A: While we don't like to ban people from the site, occasionally there are times when we feel it is in the best interest of the community. In general, users are banned for behavior that consistently tears down the community rather than build it up."
Consistently acting on an unwritten rule, that disables a user from advertising their work to potential fans that may wish to join the community...
Ban yourself