xyloz wrote:
Designed2522 wrote:
This website has severely lost talented artist and the lack of what is talented in PS........ nough said!!!
Bah talent, that word makes it sound like babies drop out the womb with an umbilical cordless Pen tab and start doodling before they open their eyes

, it's a learning curve and a steep one to get to the level your talking about.
It's not just skill, it's creativity, theme, style and flair. They have to be developed and honed new users can't be expected to perform at top level off the bat.
Okay, I'm pretty drunk about now, so please excuse me if I sound like... I'm drunk.
I started entering these comps a little over a month ago, or so. I've produced some decent images, I think, and I've thrown in some crap that I knew would go nowhere.
This whole site is an enigma wrapped in a mystery. What the voters want seems to change like the wind.
I've seen chops that couldn't have taken twenty minutes, be fawned over and praised, because the external just happens to be "perspectively correct".
I've seen other entries that where absolutely perfect in the externals perspective and use, garner almost no votes whatsoever.
I've seen entries that do not even USE the external, (as far as I can tell) in the top five numerous times.
I've seen images passed over that had the "excitement and flair" that one would expect to get the recognition they deserve, be completely ignored while some damn explosive pyrotechnics display wins the whole shebang.
Sometimes I think the whole website should just be called Photoshop Big Bangs.
Or... "Photoshop Video Game Knock Offs".
And for sure I've seen the cliques. One person who seems to be the darling of the month. That's why I seldom enter any contest that isn't anonymous. You all know I'm a newbie here. Does a newbie deserve to win? I've seen some veteran choppers who seem to be completely ignored NO MATTER WHAT they produce.
And it's sad.
The only way to rectify this is with either a new voting system (one vote per person... period) or a system where a given number of participants are elected on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
There are other voting systems that I am sure exist that are fairer than this hodgepodge of twenty votes per person.
Or perhaps... there could be different awards for... "Most Bizarre" "Most Aesthetically Pleasing", "Best Externals", Best All Source" or whatever.
Of course this would force the webmaster to work harder, but he/she doesn't seem too awful busy now.
As it stands now it's just an awful mess, but we keep chopping in hopes that the PS gods will smile upon us and give us the inspiration someone else can appreciate.
As for me... I don't give a rat's ass about "perfect execution".
I have only two criteria when I cast my few votes.
"Is it truly art"? and," Would I hang it on my wall"?
Maybe the question is... where are all the great chop artists of days gone by?
Did they just die off? Or did they simply just get tired of the capriciousness of the PSC voting system.
It's obviously cliquey at best, and downright juvenile at times.
And I'm sure this post won't garner me any fans.
Just continue to throw me your pity votes when the winner has it in the bag.
I feel so much better when I come in twentieth place, as long as I know everyone has used up all their votes... and I got the last one.