Few days after New Year's eve, still have some free time in my hands.
What to do with it?! Let's browse incoming sources...
Let's focus on anonymous ones.... it's a matter of personal taste, they have a bit of a gambling feeling...
Hmm, the most recent it's "Blowing off some steam". At first glance, no idea how to turn this into something different.
Let's see if inside PS it looks a bit better than explorer. SURPRISE!!! It doesn't
Damn... I Wonder, who took this photo!?

Still there is something about it...
Let's try to adjust it a bit, maybe there are hidden features which can be exploited (in a good way).
Step 1. Idea
Well, this is something different... I spot the smoke coming out the furnace and then I got the idea.
Step 2. Clean up
Its a mess of a wires, let's do quick clean up and check the horizon line. It's not straight, but maybe (as I forsee) it will probably be masked so I won’t bother correcting it.
Step 3. The set.
Let's create the desolate atmosphere. That means no living green. Let's check the furnace,. Pff, it's partially covered and the resolution it's not that great either, and I definetelly need bigger one to emphasize the effect.
Starting to rebuild the source from source. It goes pretty slow, I don't want to leave traces of evident cloning, so I had to draw partially then damage it a bit to match the photo

. Here it is.
Step 4. Assembling landscape.
Now it definetelly belongs to a desert area, like a trace of a lost civilization. Let's place it there. looking for some external (1) to help me... Here it is!
Step 5. The misterious look.
It is standing there but it looks too blunt, so I have to do something with it. Back to the original source, I see the pole. What if it will serve me to add a bit to the furnace story ? I have 1, made 3 more and created the seal band and the ropes to secure the furnace from an iminent destruction if its content will be activated somewhen.
Done, pretty much.
Step 6. Creating depths.
The assemble should come alive, now there are only scattered pieces on the same board. Let's add some depths and color correction to blend them better.
(the poles has been already adjusted in the step above, cause i flattened already some layers)
Step 7. Creating the genie.
I decided upon this idea once I discovered the steam blowing off the furnace. Now I need some inspiration and a little help from
www. I stayed away (like most of the times) to browse by keywords EXACTLY what I'm looking for, I try to find something that it is not so obvious and turn it into what I want, else it would be too simple.
I need a muscle guy with menacing face...Still browsing.. browsing.. browsing..and finally something that could be used as a starting point - A Hulk image:
There it is.
But hey! Who the.. thought of cropping like that?! no fingers ! I need it full ... or not? Not sure now, so I start drawing the rest of the fingers, not too carefully cause I know it won't be too defined in the end.
Now looks almost ready to be implemented, but is missing the key element, the turban. Did a quick check, found something in completelly wrong position and perspective, but tired of browsing I decided to adjust it than look any further.
Pretty much done. Let's place it into the scenary.
Step 8. Creating smoke.
Now this part took a quite bit of time cause initially i went for a big combination of layers to give genie the look I want and turned out very insatisfactory. I deleted everything and started again.
I decided to paint-erase-paint again and again the masks of layers, in different blending modes. I will not bother you with all the process. Here are few stages.
Step 9. Blending in.
Color corrections, add base smoke, adjust the elements to match the sky noisy type of thing, shadows, etc...
Step 10.Finishing.
Now who did all this, because, generally, genies come out on requests. So need to find the cause of this. The tribal lady helped me with this. Added a quick bon fire the give a reason for her mystic dance.
Finished image.
If you feel that this story appears to be annoying long, imagine the making process and you'll be cheered up instantely
bogo out