cafn8d -> ScionShade: Re: Holy Cow...ISA! (19 Sep 2007 06:30 pm)
Quote message
Didn't get back on last night, but scanned through chat to see if you replied and saw that you did. Here ya' go!
ScionShade said: HAHA! SWEET! Hell yeah!
Edit: I see Beefhead later quoted from the ISA PM, so maybe he already sent it along to you. Easy enough to delete this copy anyway.
Eve wrote:
This has got to be the most outrageous thing I've ever laid eyes on...
From: internationalspaceagency
To: ScionShade
Posted: 14 Jun 2006 03:34 pm
Subject: International Space Agnecy (ISA) Quote message
Copy to all PSC Members who have posted on the ISA Contest thread.
anfa, a copy for you, so you know what is going on now.
Let your friends know about this, thanks.
CC: PSC Mods
Jeremy (jmh132)
PSC Admin
Please be aware that Trolls are attempting spread slander in the ISA Contest Post!
The comments about the ISA being banned is not true! This was manufactured by criminals, who have sought to hurt the ISA Organization.
Spammers and Trolls have gone to message boards and posted in the name of the International Space Agency to cause trouble. These people were "NOT" just kids playing games. These people "ARE" adults, and did this with criminal intent. They take advantage of unsuspecting people, like they are attempting on your message board now.
There are references by Trolls on the ISA Contest post, that the ISA was banned on other boards. This is not true, and is slander. Those making these statements, are either honest people who have been misguided by false information, or are Cyberstalkers who have been attacking the ISA across the internet for many years, and use sophisticated equipment and computer knowledge and training (HACKERS) to conduct these criminal acts. They can manufacture multiple IP addresses (fake) and in amny cases act like kids or inncents, when in fact they are manipulating unsuspecting people to their actions. And they are indeed purposeful criminal acts.
Please see this legal documentation, very important!
Supreme Court of the State of New York
(copy to follow my letter):
This situation is becoming very serious. I know you are most likely young, and not experienced with dealing with the Cyberstalkers and Criminal Hackers that have now shown up at your door step because the International Space Agency has posted on your message board and has asked for help, and proposed a contest. But this is the case I highly suspect! These Criminals are very devious and have the ability to generate multiple user names, and can even manipulate message board stats of their manufactured user names. ie: redrose user name since october 2005 with 349 posts. These criminal hackers and cyberstalkers bluff even well meaning Administrators of message boards all the time, who think they are dealing with legitimate long time members of their message boards, when in fact these are created false usernames intended to deceive and manipulate unsuspecting people to their agenda or goals.
Firstly, I am asking you to remove the negative stuff about the International Space Agency from your board please, as this information is not true and is intended to cause harm, and secondly, it is clearly purposeful slander to cause harm.
Secondly, please contact our Corporate Attorney, as he will verify these concerns.
Please tell him that Mr. Dobson the ISA CEO told you to contact him, and tell him what is happening on your message board. He will confirm my concerns to you, and may have law enforcement start to track these trolls on your message board.
Jeremy, bottom line is, these people are using your message board as a weapon to attack the International Space Agency (ISA) Organization. Do not be a part of this criminal activity. We have reached out to you in good faith, and our posts and proposal is legitimate. If you allow this trolling and criminal slander to continue on your message board, you will become an active party to their criminal actions. Just as if you were the driver in a bank robbery. You did not rob the bank, but your drove the get away car, so you are in fact part of the crime.
Jeremy, this is not childs play or a game, this is very serious, with a lot at stake.
Please do not be deceived and dragged into being part of criminal acts against the International Space Agency.
You will see him listed at the International Space Agency Leadership page:
His contact information is:
Mr. Richard N. Berkshire
Berkshire & Blunk
Attorneys at Law
1010 S. 120th Street, Suite 220
Omaha, Nebraska 68154
Telephone: 402-827-7000
Fax: 402-827-7001
Email: Email:
You may also contact, Mr. Jerald Schneider, who is a senior and well respected member of the ISA Global Team. You will also see him listed on the ISA Leadership page.
His contact information is:
Mr. Jerald Schneider
Schneider Structural Engineering, Inc.
Phone: (402) 592-1160 Ext: 130
Jeremy, I cannot tell you how very serious this is becoming.
Please respect my valid concerns, before it gets out of hand.
You are the Administrator of this board, if you allow this criminal activities by Trolls and Cyberstalkers to continue with out stopping it, you will be a party to their criminal actions and intentions. I hope it does not come to this.
Thank You, for your understanding of this serious matter.
Please reply to me directly at my email address, or contact me by phone.
Ad-Astra! To The Stars!
In Peace For All Mankind
Humbly In Your Service,
Sincerely, I Am,
Mr. Rick R. Dobson, Jr.
Chairman & CEO
International Space Agency (ISA)
International Space Administration
Private Email:
Phone: (402) 299-2799
Ad-Astra! To The Stars!
In Peace For All Mankind!
International Space Agency, I.S.A.
International Space Administration
Registered Trademark & Copyright
(402) 299-2799
blurker said (9/1/07): Ya know what I hate...When ya have a little white dot on a 45 layer image and ya go thru each image trying to remove that little white dot...on 45 un-named layers...and it ends up being a peice of fluff on the BLOODY SCREEN
...3/8/2k12 This carp is STILL worth a smiley

~ Joey AKA something something Shade