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Location: Israel>Vancouver
Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:24 am Reply with quote
This is a bit off topic but i'll ask anyways
I'm thinking of buying a Kindle and i just wanted to know if anyone here has got one and can recommend which one to buy. ( I just want it to read books...)
And also what is the deal with the "spacial offers" thing? is it worth the discount?
Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:55 am Reply with quote
I know my father was very happy with his 2000 books in one tablet, when he bought his. I know nothing about deals - but you can compare stuff online I guess.
Location: Belgium
Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:08 pm Reply with quote
nevet wrote: This is a bit off topic but i'll ask anyways
I'm thinking of buying a Kindle and i just wanted to know if anyone here has got one and can recommend which one to buy. ( I just want it to read books...)
And also what is the deal with the "spacial offers" thing? is it worth the discount?
Thanks. i read in palestina they are very cheap 
Location: On the way to Utopia!
Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:39 pm Reply with quote
If you are on FB... ask cafn8d !
Location: Australia
Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:19 pm Reply with quote
I have the standard keyboard one with 3G and Wi-Fi.
It has great battery life (weeks), holds about 3000 books, and I can DL books anywhere, anytime with the 3G.
While the keyboard takes up a little space, it makes searching easier than on screen keyboards.
Of course there are now touch versions, but I guess they traded off the battery life some.
Probably the best gadget I've bought in years, and it only cost about $200. Throw in another $50 for the genuine leather case with in-built LED light.
Location: Massachusetts
Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:48 pm Reply with quote
Tesore wrote: If you are on FB... ask cafn8d !
Yep. LOVE the Kindle Fire, but it's an internet tablet, not just an e-reader. It's a wonderful, easy-to-use touch-screen WiFi device on to which I have downloaded lots of apps and videos, mainly for my 3.5 yr old daughter. It's the prefect alternative to the MUCH more expensive (and more fragile) i-Pad. Oh, yeah, I have a few book, too. I have loads of space for more, though. The Kindle Fire costs US $199, and is actually sold at a loss.
But if you are sure you only want an e-reader, and don't need, say, a color display for photos or web content, then you should get one of the many dedicated e-readers that are out there. I don't know anything about the "special offers" Kindle, but I'm sure there are lots of user reviews, even on Amazon itself. The one BigBuck has is probably the most capable of Amazon's dedicated e-readers, but you may be just as happy with one of the sub-$100 models. Do you need 3G or do you have enough WiFi available to connect when you need to?
Do you have and use a public library near you? The ones over here have worked with publishers and Amazon and other providers to build up collections of e-books. Some libraries even have e-readers available for loan. Check with your local library about availability and support. Also, the office supply store Staples has floor models of several brands and models to try out. Perhaps you can find a similar store near you. 
Location: Brazil
Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:01 pm Reply with quote
I like my kindle DX... I donīt think itīs comfortable to read in a 6" ereader, thatīs why I paid a lot more for the 9,7" of the DX. And I donīt regret.
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Oregon
Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:23 pm Reply with quote
I just bought a Kindle it!!!!.......I didn't want a tablet, no need for apps, etc..........I just use it for books
ps...............I did the special offers version.....the offers are small and at the bottom of the page......once you're into a book, you don't see the offers
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Location: Planet Earth
Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:32 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: I like my kindle DX... I donīt think itīs comfortable to read in a 6" ereader, thatīs why I paid a lot more for the 9,7" of the DX. And I donīt regret.
Need glasses, huh?
I agree with Caf. I just got the Kindle Fire and it's very cool for all sorts of getting hooked on Angry Birds. I mean, seriously, if you enjoy cussing out whoever got you started on that stupid, stupid game, then I suggest the Kindle Fire.
It does all sorts of other stuff too. Like you can send and receive email, watch movies that you can purchase, or read books that you can purchase, or play games that you can d/l for free but if you want a cool animal on your island, well, you can purchase stars or coins to make it a simply wonderful e-habitat. And then you can feel guilty for leaving your animals alone for weeks.
The worse thing about the Kindle Fire, its lifetime is about 8 hours as opposed to the original book only Kindle that's supposed to last for 30 days...or whatever Bigbuck said.
Don't even get me started about those annoying fingerprints.....................................!
(don't I sound like an angry bird?) 
_________________ If you're going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance!
thank u Tawiskaro
Location: Oregon
Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:45 pm Reply with quote
that's why ....if all you want is to read....(some ppl just want that) buy the touch.......and, NO's like reading paper
_________________ Due to the shape of the North American Elk's esophagus,
even if it could speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna.
- Cliff Clavin
Location: Massachusetts
Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:09 pm Reply with quote
Eve wrote:
Don't even get me started about those annoying fingerprints.....................................!
(don't I sound like an angry bird?) 
Eve: I highly recommend the new Gumdrop case for the Fire. It's not the prettiest (my black one looks like the tread from a tire), it's not the lightest, but it's really durable. The replaceable screen protector is actually like a thin piece of plexiglass rather than a stick-on film.
You get to play Angry Birds? I'll have to ask Evie for a turn with the Kindle and give it a try... 
Location: Israel>Vancouver
Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:07 am Reply with quote
if i understand correctly the kindle fire doens't have the E-ink screen that it espacially good for reading.
and also i'm a bit scared of all this gadget technology.... i have a stupid-phone and an old mp3 player, none of that i-stuff.
and also also i don't have too much money.
so basically i'm looking for the most comfortable device to use.
@bigbuck: do you need to use the keyboard alot? what do you actually need it for, just to search words in the dictionary? is it worth the extra space (and extra money)?
@caf: i'll check at my library but it's not very advanced when it comes to technology...
@synth: how long does the battery last for on the kindle touch?
.... i'm confused.
Location: Australia
Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:14 am Reply with quote
I like to read books...the touch...the feel...the smell...and well its portable...I can only read one at a time...and the best waking up with your face stuck to the last page you were reading just before you fell asleep...yep I like good old books... 
Location: Israel>Vancouver
Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:49 pm Reply with quote
i like them too... but i only like weird books in English that no one has heard of in here, so i have to buy them on Amazon from the US and it costs a lot of money....
and also it takes a little less trees to make kindles 
Location: Massachusetts
Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:55 pm Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote: I like to read books...the touch...the feel...the smell...and well its portable...I can only read one at a time...and the best waking up with your face stuck to the last page you were reading just before you fell asleep...yep I like good old books... 
I love "real" books too! I miss my old job repairing them for the library...
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