I just had a cataract removed. The following day, hubby did not want to drive the hour to see doc, so she said I could see her partner, a half hour away....the one who treats my macular degeneration. Well, HE chewed me out for not seeing HER, not once, not twice, but THREE times! "A doctor always wants to see the result of their work!!"
I once did an edit of him, which everyone in the office seemed to really like

He did say he always wanted to learn how to edit pics
So to get on the good side of the cataract surgeon, I wanted to make an edit of her, but I just can't see well enough until I get new glasses in a month. Anyone willing to help me? This is the only pic I can find, and it needs to be enlarged a bit with resolution increased to be printable....but I understand it may be too small to work.
I envision making her an angel with wings and a halo floating over her head. That should put me on her good side, no?
Duh...I don't even know how make a pic show up directly here...age is showing.