Designed2522 wrote:
Hey fellow Peeps, Peoples, and Poopers;
I just have a quick questions. can anyone provided me with a website where i can find a cheap copy of the newest version of photoshop.... and which version should I be buying? sorry I have been out of the loop for months now....
Dont know how many of you know this and how many of you care but here is an update. back in September it was brought to my attention that I may be a father to a four year old child. Well it was confirmed and I went form being a non-parent, to a dad, to a weekend dad, and now only 5 months in am currently a full time dad as the mother is not currently in the picture due to the state of MA. Because of this I have had to put all of my time in effort in to my son "Jake". with that said now that we have established an on going loving relationship it is now time to not only get back into my passion but to also show and teach him the wonderful would of photoshop. currently my life consists of a world of "whys"....... Why this daddy and why that daddy.... the questions never stop from sun up to sun down and I would love for him to utilize his inquiring mine in art!!!!
Hope to be chopping again real soon!
Well, first of all, congrads on your sudden fatherhood

you sound like you'll make a great dad!
Re latest version, you can take out a subscription ICloud for appox $49.99 per month, with that you got all latest adobe cs6 ( I took a subscription out last year for cs5 production suite as that was the only way I could have afforded it! and I've been really pleased, and if I've understood it right I will get automatic update to cs6 when it launches next week)
You can also do it on a month by month basis but thats is a bit more expensive>
ps right now you can download ps6 beta )at Adobe)
good luck