Cartoon Contractor wrote:
I don't think anyone enters the H2H contest thinking "I'm going to enter and submit an entry that really sucks!!" It may be your opinion that these entries suck, but keep it to yourself. It is you prerogative to vote for or not vote for an entry.
These guys (and gals) entered and tried their damnedest to do a good job. Maybe some couldn't come up with good ideas and others talents aren't to your caliber or expertise. But they did a chop and entered it and should be commended for it. If the ones that suck less win and aren't as good as those they will meet in later rounds they will be defeated, as will you and, I.
Maybe Claf, TJ and Anfa think YOU suck. But you don't see them posting threads about your abilities or ideas! Just vote for the one that's better than his/her opponent and keep your opinions to yourself! These guys/gals deserve some respect! Give it to em!
couldn't agree with you more...
but i didn't make comments with my votes

normally i do in the H2H but i was a little bit sick when i did the voting thing.... i blame it on the ice cold beers