ivojovchev wrote:
The way you say things are , it looks like I got lucky that I got second place and in this community , the longer you stay ,much higher you'll get on contests???
No I'm saying that you should be happy you got second place on your second entry. it takes most people months to achieve that goal. Which you did fairly quickly. Has nothing to do with 'luck' and no... the longer you stay doesnt mean the higher you'll get on contests... You have to come up with a good idea in order to win around here. nothing more. non-advantage people can win too IF they come up with a great idea and get it in quick enough for people to see it.
ivojovchev wrote:
For that "ADVANTAGE" ,we have paid and we have ADVANTAGE over the people that have not!
Since we've paid for the same ADVANTAGE...we are equal!
Submitting first doesn't make you faster than anyone in chopping....It makes you faster in SUBMITTING...
Every image here is made by different person ,by different ways , and takes diffent time to chop it...
And everyone decides on his own in what part of the day or week to do it...
If you submit before the contest start...you shoud be equal...
That's my point...I dont care if they gonna change anything or not..
I have my view of that situation and I have the right of that...
And before some of you start saying it... I don't have nothing personal on any of you.I'm not saying I'm better in chopping or stuff like that....Just saying my point!

I get your view. You want everyone to win and for it to be equal. That's just not how this works. And no... I don't think you think your better than anyone here...
What you fail to grasp is by submitting first I've chopped that particular contest 'faster' than you. Not because it took me 3 hours and it took you 4, but because I found a source I liked, and chopped it before you did. That's the reason we pay for advantage.
Its an advantage over those who don't pay to play here... Why bother paying for 30 days worth of source if you can't use it to your advantage? If someone else chopped that same picture and submitted it before you... they did it 'faster' than you. They have a slight advantage over you in terms of 'tie breaker'
Because you're new, you don't know what it was like before....
Early days of PSC... Before advantage, everyone got the picture on the same day, at the same time. Then you had to chop as fast and as best as you could... to win. They have a day like that still, its called "Speed Chop Day".
we get your 'point' you want ties... Not going to happen.
Now stop crying about coming in second, and get back on your horse and ride little buddy.