Well my bribe money finally ran out.

Panda squadron goes down to defeat!! As it
should be.
Good luck to Totoy and the remaining field!
Only externals were dragon masthead (used on fireworks) and dragon logo (on side of lead junk). Pandas and masthead drawn. The junk boat is all source with the exceptions noted. Background pics are a combination of 3 sunset photos I took in Cannon Beach, OR.
Totoy was my opponent AND then seeing the O sealed my fate. His prior chops were crisp and creative; I could probably muster the creative part. The O had "pen tool" written all over it and I can't use the pen tool - my hand just isn't steady enough. My vision is getting worse which likely largely contributes to the fuzziness of my images - they always look fine to me... until I post.
So I can use some help here if folk wouldn't mind.
1. Because the pen tool is pretty much off-limits for me, I typically lasso and they mask out excess. Are there better more concise ways of grabbing pieces cleanly?
2. What resolution do you typically use?
I thought for web pics it really didn't matter above 120, but perhaps I'm wrong. I'm looking at these crystal clear images you post and I must be way under resolution to consistenly deliver such fuzzy images.
Any feedback would be appreciated. And if a Mod wants to move this post to a new thread, that's OK by me.
Thank you!!