Yarilo wrote:
Zoeon wrote:
Gabler14 wrote:
Does everyone really hate Worth1000 that much?
I don't see why one can't like both sites. It is true that Worth1000 has a list of clichés and that kind of stuff, but I don't see what harm it can do. After all, if it is there, it must be for a reason. I doubt that they arbitrarily chose a few terms and slapped them as a cliché list just because one afternoon they was bored.
Or maybe I arrived to this site at a bad time.
i dont think people hate it. I think the level is to high there comparing here, i think a handfull of people of this site can compete over there.
I concur

As a new member here, I have no idea if the level and the quality of the images here is lower, equal or higher than in Worth1000, but the truth is that, at least in my case, the level of the images required isn't an important thing by the site.
I think the important thing in every site that is about creativity and fun with photoshop, photography and that type of artistic expressions, is the
will to learn and improve. The competition and the level are something secondary, but it helps to get better every time. That is one of the things I like about Worth1000, it is that it has good quality images, and it makes me want to practice to be able to be as good as them.
I have been disqualified
exactly thirty-four times in the years I have been there. I once got
six entries in a row disqualified. I felt slightly frustrated at first, but after calming down, I saw exactly what I had done wrong, how I could improve and it helped. Now I haven't been disqualified in three years, and I have even won a few times. And I couldn't have done it if my terrible work wasn't disqualified. Maybe I could have, but I wouldn't have noted my mistakes as easily as I do now.
I plan to have a similar experience here, the experience of seeing how the other competitors do their images and how I can get better than them, to place higher and to be better as an artist. I'll start with a low profile, then slowly get better, because I swear that my abilities reset to zero every time I sign up to another site like Pxleyes, Worth1000 or PSC.
TL;DR I'm sorry if I said too much, but as somebody that is almost pathologically naive and pacifist, it is kind of frustrating to see discussions in a half-joke half-truth way, even if I know that maybe some of the members here doesn't really mean it. I just hope that everyone knows what they're talking about, and isn't just joining a bandwagon.
TheShaman wrote:
I think it boils down to just because you think its cliche doesn't mean everyone does.
If you don't like something here, or you think its cliche you simply don't vote for it.
It doesn't get removed just because a handful of people say they're tired of seeing that certain kind of chop.
That is one thing I already like about this site. That and being able to vote in four or five different categories in every contest.