roger1 wrote:
I haven't been around here much lately because I have been working with an attorney getting custody/visitation of my 9 year-old daughter. I've been working a ton of overtime to pay for attorney fees so I haven't had the time to participate in contests. I go to court tomorrow and, if all goes well, I will get a temporary visitation/parenting schedule in place until the court case is over. Since I didn't have an attorney when I was divorced, I was tricked into signing a parenting plan which gave me no rights as a father at all. Last year, my ex-wife got remarried and I haven't seen my daughter since. Because of my original divorce paperwork, I haven't had any legal recourse but to pay a shit-ton of money for an attorney to fix the paperwork in court. My daughter and I have always been very close and we have been able to keep in touch over the phone almost daily (except for when my ex-wife blocks the calls). Please pray for me and my daughter tomorrow. If you're not the praying type, send me some words of encouragement because I could really use them right now. I'm trying really hard to optimistic about it all but, with so much on the line, I am getting very nervous. Thanks.

Know that even if you lose, no matter what the court says, if you make yourself available, she will come to you!
No amount of lies from your ex will ever stop that. When she is old enough make a day free where you know she is free, be at a meeting place once a week or what ever, it's not illegal to do that no matter where you are from.
What she is doing is selfish and not in the best interest of the child psychological well being, that is the only argument any sane judge will need to hear, your little girl needs her father that is why she talks to you on the phone she wants time with you and that is something your ex is selfishly preventing.
Being her father is a role that no one on this earth but you can fill. Press that fact in court, show you have worked hard to afford the rights to see her and demand that the court fees be paid by her side for even daring to strip you of your rights as a father, a child is not a bartering chip to be traded in contracts.
Go get her back!