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Location: California

Post Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:30 pm   Reply with quote         


Location: UK

Post Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:48 pm   Reply with quote         




Location: Belgium

Post Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:09 pm   Reply with quote         

PotHed wrote:
Oh, I know they've had Advantage for years, but if I recall, it started as just getting the contest images in advance. I don't think there was the difference in image quality. I could be wrong about that, but a lot of the old school cats started leaving years and years ago around the same time I did so I still see it as relating to the change in the site. What did it for me was giving the Advantage members their own chat room. Suddenly I couldn't even chat with a lot of my PSC friends and it with everything put together, it just wasn't worth it to keep contributing. I don't even know if Advantage users still have their own chat or what. Don't really care. The regular (or only) chat is dead anyway.

I don't agree. Well, not completely.
I recall in 2003, this site was very crowded indeed. And when I came back in 2008, things had calmed down in compare with back then, but it was still crowded with 80 entries and more a few times a week if not full weeks.
So I don't think advantage has much to do with it. Apart from that, it's only 9 dollars for 3 months.. I'm not going to argue the fact that it's not really 'an investment'. Every community needs a source of income in order to guarantee further existance IMO.

I think the reason PSC is so calm lately, is lack of good choppers, poor management and not enough structure.
I mean, just read the FAQ, how many rules in there are applied? Also, 2 years ago, everyone was bitching on eachother and everything got tolerated. Old-schoolers could say whatever they wanted, insult whoever they like, someone was holding a hand above their head. I know quite a few people from back then who said goodbye to PSC, just because they were tired of the bullshit going on here and nobody doing something about it. It ruined the atmosphere.
Back in the old days, you would enter PSC and see the topics going about interesting stuff, Photoshop tips, tutorials, discussions about people's works and art. That's all gone...

So in the end, you end up with people who like to Photoshop and hang out in a familiar community, but I doubt this website attracts new talented photoshoppers, with the exception of a couple of individuals. And I can't blame them. There's no spirit left, hardly competition (like it used to be).

I don't want to offend anyone.. Just telling my point of view.
I remember the days where you had 60 entries and had to fight really hard to make it to the top 10.
People also put in more effort, because it was just really hard to be noticed.
I really miss those days. I think that's also one of the reasons I keep coming back here, hoping to find the site in it's earlier state. I've known this site for almost 10 years now and what I've seen happening here in the past 2 years, is really sad.

Maybe there should be more interaction between members and management about the things we CAN DO about it, rather than complain. I know I would be up for that.


Location: UK

Post Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:12 pm   Reply with quote         

Been on Mars preparing the landing site for Mars Curiosity!!!

Well might as have well have been Rolling Eyes


Location: Norway

Post Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:24 pm   Reply with quote         

kinetic_be wrote:
PotHed wrote:
Oh, I know they've had Advantage for years, but if I recall, it started as just getting the contest images in advance. I don't think there was the difference in image quality. I could be wrong about that, but a lot of the old school cats started leaving years and years ago around the same time I did so I still see it as relating to the change in the site. What did it for me was giving the Advantage members their own chat room. Suddenly I couldn't even chat with a lot of my PSC friends and it with everything put together, it just wasn't worth it to keep contributing. I don't even know if Advantage users still have their own chat or what. Don't really care. The regular (or only) chat is dead anyway.

I don't agree. Well, not completely.
I recall in 2003, this site was very crowded indeed. And when I came back in 2008, things had calmed down in compare with back then, but it was still crowded with 80 entries and more a few times a week if not full weeks.
So I don't think advantage has much to do with it. Apart from that, it's only 9 dollars for 3 months.. I'm not going to argue the fact that it's not really 'an investment'. Every community needs a source of income in order to guarantee further existance IMO.

I think the reason PSC is so calm lately, is lack of good choppers, poor management and not enough structure.
I mean, just read the FAQ, how many rules in there are applied? Also, 2 years ago, everyone was bitching on eachother and everything got tolerated. Old-schoolers could say whatever they wanted, insult whoever they like, someone was holding a hand above their head. I know quite a few people from back then who said goodbye to PSC, just because they were tired of the bullshit going on here and nobody doing something about it. It ruined the atmosphere.
Back in the old days, you would enter PSC and see the topics going about interesting stuff, Photoshop tips, tutorials, discussions about people's works and art. That's all gone...

So in the end, you end up with people who like to Photoshop and hang out in a familiar community, but I doubt this website attracts new talented photoshoppers, with the exception of a couple of individuals. And I can't blame them. There's no spirit left, hardly competition (like it used to be).

I don't want to offend anyone.. Just telling my point of view.
I remember the days where you had 60 entries and had to fight really hard to make it to the top 10.
People also put in more effort, because it was just really hard to be noticed.
I really miss those days. I think that's also one of the reasons I keep coming back here, hoping to find the site in it's earlier state. I've known this site for almost 10 years now and what I've seen happening here in the past 2 years, is really sad.

Maybe there should be more interaction between members and management about the things we CAN DO about it, rather than complain. I know I would be up for that.

Its very interesting what one question can start: Were is SacredBunny? LOL.

Hehehe. Anyway, kinetic_be, its very interesting what you are telling us. You got some good points.


Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

Location: Norway

Post Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:28 pm   Reply with quote         

sacredbunny wrote:
Been on Mars preparing the landing site for Mars Curiosity!!!

Well might as have well have been Rolling Eyes

Ok SacredBunny. Next time you go to Mars, bring with you a laptop with ps on it, and wifi...Smile


Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

Location: San Antonio, Tx

Post Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:27 pm   Reply with quote         

kinetic_be wrote:
I don't agree. Well, not completely.
I recall in 2003, this site was very crowded indeed. And when I came back in 2008, things had calmed down in compare with back then, but it was still crowded with 80 entries and more a few times a week if not full weeks.
So I don't think advantage has much to do with it. Apart from that, it's only 9 dollars for 3 months.. I'm not going to argue the fact that it's not really 'an investment'. Every community needs a source of income in order to guarantee further existance IMO.

I think the reason PSC is so calm lately, is lack of good choppers, poor management and not enough structure.
I mean, just read the FAQ, how many rules in there are applied? Also, 2 years ago, everyone was bitching on eachother and everything got tolerated. Old-schoolers could say whatever they wanted, insult whoever they like, someone was holding a hand above their head. I know quite a few people from back then who said goodbye to PSC, just because they were tired of the bullshit going on here and nobody doing something about it. It ruined the atmosphere.
Back in the old days, you would enter PSC and see the topics going about interesting stuff, Photoshop tips, tutorials, discussions about people's works and art. That's all gone...

So in the end, you end up with people who like to Photoshop and hang out in a familiar community, but I doubt this website attracts new talented photoshoppers, with the exception of a couple of individuals. And I can't blame them. There's no spirit left, hardly competition (like it used to be).

I don't want to offend anyone.. Just telling my point of view.
I remember the days where you had 60 entries and had to fight really hard to make it to the top 10.
People also put in more effort, because it was just really hard to be noticed.
I really miss those days. I think that's also one of the reasons I keep coming back here, hoping to find the site in it's earlier state. I've known this site for almost 10 years now and what I've seen happening here in the past 2 years, is really sad.

Maybe there should be more interaction between members and management about the things we CAN DO about it, rather than complain. I know I would be up for that.

You probably have a better handle on the reasons why so may decided to bail than I do because you've stuck it out this long, so I defer to your judgement on these issues.

I would like to know what you think about the image selection. Every time I look, it just seems like something that's been done before, and fairly recently (within the previous month or two).

Here's the exact same PINK OBSERVATION DECK appearing twice within a couple months.


In May, we had 5 OLD CARS in 3 weeks. (Granted, the Prowler isn't THAT old, but it has vintage styling, so in terms of chopping, its a minor point)


SIGNS aren't even that interesting for a photoshop site (at least not often, IMO), yet...


Like STATUES? Hope you do! They're very popular around here.


Even VALVES have appeared 3 times this year.


Are you a realtor looking for an OLD COUNTRY BUILDING? Look no further than PSC


Has any one else noticed this?

I hope Sacred Bunny is out taking some interesting photos.....


Location: UK

Post Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:06 pm   Reply with quote         

Erm, some of those were my pics


Location: Albany, NY

Post Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:22 pm   Reply with quote         

So what are people supposed to be taking pictures of? Advantage members vote on what images to use.

Post Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:48 pm   Reply with quote         

Werdnaibor wrote:
So what are people supposed to be taking pictures of? Advantage members vote on what images to use.

If it were up to be, I wouldn't allow users to submit pictures at all. I would leave that sort of thing to emerge out of the forums organically. The best analogy I can think of is a game show. The contestants don't get to choose the category of questions. If they did, the questions would tend to focus around subject that are common "strong suits" like pop culture. It's the diversity that keeps a game show interesting.

I don't have all the answers because I've never run a site like this, so I can't only relate to observations I've made in other places, but what I have observed is that somethings are best left to chance, or some semblance of chance.

A similar problem as PSC is having arises in some online games in which everybody in the game gets to choose the next map to play in. What ends up happening is, if completely left up to the players, the same map comes up over and over and over again. That's the way it is in Max Payne 3, and it turns off a lot of gamers. In Call of Duty, only two maps and a random map are available to be voted on. The key though, is that a map can only be played twice in a row. That ensures that the minority doesn't get overrun by the majority. This keeps the minority interested in playing the game, and leads to greater participation overall.

The difference between how much fun the majority has playing the same map vs a different map is disproportionate to how much LESS fun the minority has to playing the same map over and over. The same goes for PSC. The Advantage members who vote these images in are having a slightly better time, but everybody else is having a significantly worse time.

I hate to get all political sciency about it, but it's one of the reasons why modern constitutional democracies protect minority rights. Sure, the majority could vote the minority into slavery, but the majority would only acquire a fraction of benefit in contrast to the monumental cost suffered by the minority.

Participation has clearly been lacking on this site for a while now, and I can't speak for everybody, but for me, based on my experience and my observation, it can be attributed to the image selection.

You don't have to take my word for it, however. If you sift through the contest archives (you may have to manually input the page value into the address bar), you'll see that there was greater participation back when there was a greater diversity of images. That's not to say user images never made it into the mix, but they were chosen by the admins, sparingly without notice. When a user image did come up, it was like a surprise, manna from heaven.

But like I said, I don't claim to have all the answers. I'm just a loyal fan of the site who has stuck around in spite of PSC's downfall in hopes of better days ahead.

YourTaxesAtWork AKA PotHed
est. 2003


Location: San Antonio, Tx

Post Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:03 pm   Reply with quote         

My response to sacredbunny under the name YourTaxesAtWork didn't make the cut, so I'm going to use PotHed until I can post comments regularly.

sacredbunny wrote:
Erm, some of those were my pics

I don't blame the members for the images they contributed. I place the blame squared on the management.

Forgive them for they know not what they do.

Werdnaibor wrote:
So what are people supposed to be taking pictures of? Advantage members vote on what images to use.

If it were up to me, I wouldn't allow users to submit pictures at all. I would leave that sort of thing to emerge out of the forums organically. The best analogy I can think of is a game show. The contestants don't get to choose the category of questions. If they did, the questions would tend to focus around subjects that are common "strong suits" like pop culture. It's the diversity that keeps a game show interesting.

I don't have all the answers because I've never run a site like this, so I can only relate to observations I've made in other places, but what I have observed is that some things are best left to chance, or some semblance of chance.

A similar problem as PSC is having arises in some online games in which everybody in the game gets to choose the next map to play in. What ends up happening is, if completely left up to the players, the same map comes up over and over and over again. That's the way it is in Max Payne 3, and it turns off a lot of gamers. In Call of Duty, only two maps and a random map are available to be voted on. The key though, is that a map can only be played twice in a row. That ensures that the minority doesn't get overrun by the majority. This keeps the minority interested in playing the game, and leads to greater participation overall.

The difference between how much fun the majority has playing the same map vs a different map is disproportionate to how much LESS fun the minority has to playing the same map over and over. The same goes for PSC. The Advantage members who vote these images in are having a slightly better time, but everybody else is having a significantly worse time.

I hate to get all political sciency about it, but it's one of the reasons why modern constitutional democracies protect minority rights. Sure, the majority could vote the minority into slavery, but the majority would only acquire a fraction of benefit in contrast to the monumental cost suffered by the minority.

Participation has clearly been lacking on this site for a while now, and I can't speak for everybody, but for me, based on my experience and my observation, it can be attributed to the image selection.

You don't have to take my word for it, however. If you sift through the contest archives (you may have to manually input the page value into the address bar), you'll see that there was greater participation back when there was a greater diversity of images. That's not to say user images never made it into the mix, but they were chosen by the admins, sparingly without notice. When a user image did come up, it was like a surprise, manna from heaven.

But like I said, I don't claim to have all the answers. I'm just a loyal fan of the site who has stuck around in spite of PSC's downfall in hopes of better days ahead.

YourTaxesAtWork AKA PotHed
est. 2003


Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder

Post Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:26 am   Reply with quote         

This really needs it's own topic... Instead of on 'wheres our bunny'



I tend to agree with you. There's only so many ideas I can come up with for a sign or a car or an old building... sometimes something comes to mind and I'll chop those. Like I did for the Historic Site one.
but most times, meh. So I just don't chop those.

Now... people and animals I like, but that's just me. Cause I can use my humor to place them in funny situations. But to each his/her own.

Maybe people need to start looking at those cars, buildings and signs and find focal points to focus on? Like a gutter edge or door jam. or even a fender or seat inside the car... Or maybe the post of the sign or the bolt holding the sign....

I try to take interesting shots... But I too get suckered into the oh look a cool statue or some interesting architecture. I've had a few shots come up in recent weeks because of my Vacation away from home. Today I've got Deep Cavern in there. Figured theres a lot you could do with that rock structure. Could be a texture overlay for something completely different. Lots of uses for that one.. Battle Flags is mine as well... Not as interesting, but I figure there's some stuff you can do with the flags or the shop or the people walking down the street...

Looks like eventually we'll be having a Chop TheShaman day too.

My suggestion...
Take some pictures you'd like see done...
Image must be exactly 1280x960 and under 600KB.

(another thing I'd like changed) Artists do Portraits just as much as Landscapes....

and Kittie or I would be happy to submit them for you.

Very Happy

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Location: Quebec (CAN) & France

Post Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:27 am   Reply with quote         

kinetic_be wrote:
I guess he took a break from PSC... (like most people did Sad )

Location: Quebec (CAN) & France

Post Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:28 am   Reply with quote         

TheShaman wrote:
This really needs it's own topic... Instead of on 'wheres our bunny'



I tend to agree with you. There's only so many ideas I can come up with for a sign or a car or an old building... sometimes something comes to mind and I'll chop those. Like I did for the Historic Site one.
but most times, meh. So I just don't chop those.

Now... people and animals I like, but that's just me. Cause I can use my humor to place them in funny situations. But to each his/her own.

Maybe people need to start looking at those cars, buildings and signs and find focal points to focus on? Like a gutter edge or door jam. or even a fender or seat inside the car... Or maybe the post of the sign or the bolt holding the sign....

I try to take interesting shots... But I too get suckered into the oh look a cool statue or some interesting architecture. I've had a few shots come up in recent weeks because of my Vacation away from home. Today I've got Deep Cavern in there. Figured theres a lot you could do with that rock structure. Could be a texture overlay for something completely different. Lots of uses for that one.. Battle Flags is mine as well... Not as interesting, but I figure there's some stuff you can do with the flags or the shop or the people walking down the street...

Looks like eventually we'll be having a Chop TheShaman day too.

My suggestion...
Take some pictures you'd like see done...
Image must be exactly 1280x960 and under 600KB.

(another thing I'd like changed) Artists do Portraits just as much as Landscapes....

and Kittie or I would be happy to submit them for you.

Very Happy
hi bro !

Location: Quebec (CAN) & France

Post Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:32 am   Reply with quote         

sacredbunny wrote:



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