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Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:18 am Reply with quote
kittie wrote: Werdnaibor wrote: TheShaman wrote: Werdnaibor wrote: TheShaman wrote: Werdnaibor wrote: As you can see, I'm from New York. We love pizza.
It's just too bad Chicago makes it better!
Oh yes, I did just go there! 
Clearly you are insane. The pizza here is infinitely superior.
you have not stated why it is superior, and therefore your argument is invalid. I claim that you are being intellectually dishonest. No pizza for you.
Shit, I really want pizza every day.
You guys don't know what the hell you're talking about. My mom made the best pizza I know!! That clearly makes the pizza that I make the best.
pffft what do cats know about making pizzas? you put sardines on everything!
Location: Florida
Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:20 am Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: kittie wrote: Werdnaibor wrote: TheShaman wrote: Werdnaibor wrote: TheShaman wrote: Werdnaibor wrote: As you can see, I'm from New York. We love pizza.
It's just too bad Chicago makes it better!
Oh yes, I did just go there! 
Clearly you are insane. The pizza here is infinitely superior.
you have not stated why it is superior, and therefore your argument is invalid. I claim that you are being intellectually dishonest. No pizza for you.
Shit, I really want pizza every day.
You guys don't know what the hell you're talking about. My mom made the best pizza I know!! That clearly makes the pizza that I make the best.
pffft what do cats know about making pizzas? you put sardines on everything!
Someone should delegate me to choose all the pizza toppings. You'll love sardines.
Location: Albany, NY
Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:37 am Reply with quote
kittie wrote: TheShaman wrote: kittie wrote: Werdnaibor wrote: TheShaman wrote: Werdnaibor wrote: TheShaman wrote: Werdnaibor wrote: As you can see, I'm from New York. We love pizza.
It's just too bad Chicago makes it better!
Oh yes, I did just go there! 
Clearly you are insane. The pizza here is infinitely superior.
you have not stated why it is superior, and therefore your argument is invalid. I claim that you are being intellectually dishonest. No pizza for you.
Shit, I really want pizza every day.
You guys don't know what the hell you're talking about. My mom made the best pizza I know!! That clearly makes the pizza that I make the best.
pffft what do cats know about making pizzas? you put sardines on everything!
Someone should delegate me to choose all the pizza toppings. You'll love sardines.
Haha, that's adorable.
Location: San Antonio, Tx
Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:46 am Reply with quote
Werdnaibor wrote: That's not really an advantage.
I was referring to the repetitive maps. When the same map comes up, it is identical to itself, making it a different situation than the somewhat similar sources. Read better, please.
Facepalming myself.
Quote: I own an xbox, and I play COD. It is not an assumption, it is something learned from experience. The crappy people love the tiny circular maps like Dome in MW3, because that map is a cluster fuck and anything can happen. It was the same with Nuketown in Black Ops. The frequency is a problem in your analogy, because you're painting a picture of constantly playing the same maps in every single lobby, which is much more than the maps just occurring more frequently than expected by chance.
Sounds to me like you're associating "crappy" with "run-n-gun" and skilled with camping. I've never seen a correlation between skill-level and the size of maps people like, only a difference between that and style-of-play.
Have you played Max Payne 3? It is possible to end up playing Blanco Headquarters literally all night unless you switch lobbies. Even if you switch lobbies, when it comes up, there's a good chance you'll to play it 5-6 times in a row.
Quote: The lunch analogy was created by you, simply replacing sources with food, drastically amplifying the frequency, and not providing a new argument as to why that would happen. In that way, it is definitely useless, in addition to it being an unlikely event with so many variables that have to happen, like people leaving and coming back and voting for the pizza. I believe if people had pizza the one day, they would not eat it the next day (an assumption, which is just as valid as your assumption that built the hypothetical), making that entire scenario where people leave and come back voting for pizza not likely. You made the hypothetical with pizza happening every day. As it's a daily situation, like the daily contests, the frequency should definitely match up. So it should be, at worst, eating pizza five times in three weeks, which isn't bad at all. There's no need to change the food. As you can see, I'm from New York. We love pizza.
And I definitely made the points in my previous post earlier in the thread.
So you acknowledge that there were more connections than just the one, right? Then why did you say otherwise? Why'd ya do it, Werd? Intellectual dishonesty, that's why. You're not here to have an honest discussion. You've decided to be the opposition and you're sticking with it. You're a troll.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:57 am Reply with quote
PotHed wrote: So you acknowledge that there were more connections than just the one, right? Then why did you say otherwise? Why'd ya do it, Werd? Intellectual dishonesty, that's why. You're not here to have an honest discussion. You've decided to be the opposition and you're sticking with it. You're a troll.
there you go again with Intellectual Dishonesty.
u iz so smrt.
In order to have a discussion or a argument one must take the side of the opposition. Otherwise it just becomes a giant circle jerk.
I liked it better when the fry cook was calling us stupid and gay.
Location: Albany, NY
Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:10 pm Reply with quote
Yes, you should smack yourself in the face because your reading comprehension is lacking. I explained it for you, and you still have nothing to say to it.
One of the best players I know is a run and gunner. He does it on every map, and well. I can hold down an area of the map (which isn't camping in my opinion) on any size map. The shitty people benefit from spawning ten feet behind enemies due to the small size of the map. So switching lobbies does help? Just switch lobbies when that map comes up. I switch lobbies very frequently in COD. It's not a hassle at all.
Yes, I responded to your argument. I originally dismissed it with the first thing I saw wrong with it. I then dismissed it with more problems, which you didn't respond to. Even if I was just arguing for the sake of being the opposition (which I'm not), you still have to respond to valid criticisms.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:16 pm Reply with quote
Werdnaibor wrote: Yes, you should smack yourself in the face because your reading comprehension is lacking. I explained it for you, and you still have nothing to say to it.
you still have to respond to valid criticisms.
no he doesn't... because voting for a video game map and voting for eating pizza for lunch are completely valid when arguing about voting for sources.
Because we only have one car and/or one bridge that we use here at PSC. Those things are static and they never change!
Location: San Antonio, Tx
Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:21 pm Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: So again, another issue to add to the pile of issues... I agree. having 25 votes for a contest where there are only 27 entries (on a prize contest) is stupid. Doesn't mean you have to use them... but there are some who are tempted to throw them all out there in hopes of landing some back.
I agree that there is more than one issue, but I think that if there is one issue that stands out, it's going to
1. be found in the main contest
2. have been different before
3. be directly related to make makes someone want to participate
Quote: as for your second response... I left off the "s" on purpose. Only Anfa agreed with you, and thats because he was here pre-2005.
Don't forget kittie! She agreed with Anfa. She just didn't like it when I got angry, but hey my thread was getting hijacked from every which way!
Location: San Antonio, Tx
Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:22 pm Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: Werdnaibor wrote: Yes, you should smack yourself in the face because your reading comprehension is lacking. I explained it for you, and you still have nothing to say to it.
you still have to respond to valid criticisms.
no he doesn't... because voting for a video game map and voting for eating pizza for lunch are completely valid when arguing about voting for sources.
Because we only have one car and/or one bridge that we use here at PSC. Those things are static and they never change!
There's all kinds of different ways to make a pizza. It doesn't mean you can't get tired of pizza altogether.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:34 pm Reply with quote
PotHed wrote: TheShaman wrote: Werdnaibor wrote: Yes, you should smack yourself in the face because your reading comprehension is lacking. I explained it for you, and you still have nothing to say to it.
you still have to respond to valid criticisms.
no he doesn't... because voting for a video game map and voting for eating pizza for lunch are completely valid when arguing about voting for sources.
Because we only have one car and/or one bridge that we use here at PSC. Those things are static and they never change!
There's all kinds of different ways to make a pizza. It doesn't mean you can't get tired of pizza altogether.
are you serious? I absolutely knew that you were going to say that.
never mind the other point about the map. Cause that never changes... and thus irrelevant to this conversation...
So lets not acknowledge that.
You're becoming even more predictable than you already were.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:40 pm Reply with quote
PotHed wrote:
Don't forget kittie! She agreed with Anfa.
Even I agree with you... to a point. But it's not the be all end all reason you're trying so hard to make it out to be.
Its one of the reasons. Yet the reasons are many.
but please... go ahead and call me intellectually dishonest again. Or cite your world class expertise in everything... cause it makes you look so smart.
BTW: are you typing this from your moms basement before or after your shift at "the Box"?
See... two can play the lets put each other down game.... 
Location: San Antonio, Tx
Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:40 pm Reply with quote
Werdnaibor wrote: Yes, you should smack yourself in the face because your reading comprehension is lacking. I explained it for you, and you still have nothing to say to it.
Sorry, I had typed a response to it but accidentally backed out and forgot to retype it.
You have identified a difference, but you haven't identified why the difference renders the analogy useless. Even you agreed that the repetition of cars for those 3 weeks was excessive. But, if they were all different, how could they be excessive? You must also agree that just because the images themselves are not identical, the fact that the subject matter is the same does lead to a feeling of repetition and boredom. Since you DO agree with that, the difference you've identified between the analogies does not constitute calling it a false analogy.
Quote: One of the best players I know is a run and gunner. He does it on every map, and well. I can hold down an area of the map (which isn't camping in my opinion) on any size map.
You campers always have something else to call it, don't you?
Quote: The shitty people benefit from spawning ten feet behind enemies due to the small size of the map.
That's crazy-talk. They just as easily get spawn-killed. They may get more kills, but they get more deaths as well. It doesn't mean they benefit from small maps. I could just as easily say that good players benefit from small maps because there's less time between the enemy respawning and getting back in front of your gun, making it easier for you to rack up kills. Good players are good, bad players are bad. No map benefits either unless you're just the kind of player that never likes to die and considers even 1 or two deaths to be a bad game. Then yeah, in that case, small maps make it harder for you to camp and survive the entire match. Dying twice =/= failure. Negative k/d = failure.
Quote: So switching lobbies does help? Just switch lobbies when that map comes up. I switch lobbies very frequently in COD. It's not a hassle at all.
No it doesn't really help. It might get you to a different map for 1 or 2 rounds, but once Blanco HQ comes back up, you're going to play it a BUNCH of times if you don't switch lobbies again, which can take a long time.
Second, I can't switch lobbies on PSC. I can only wait for the next day.
Location: Florida
Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:49 pm Reply with quote
I did agree that voting could be nixed at first.
However, once the idea that we, as the ones submitting the sources, and the ones voting, could agree to work for a higher variation together as a site, I decided that I'm more in favor of giving this a try as it's something that we can actually fix.
If the site owner decided to supply source images, I'd be fine with that.
If he decided to take away voting, I'd be fine with that. I'm not arguing that your points are invalid.
But they aren't around. We work with what we have and I'm much more in favor of arguing the options we HAVE vs. the ones we dream about.
A lot of people come here for the community, and I think that if we worked on a source project together it could increase participation and spirits as a whole vs. handing it all to the main man and telling him to deal with it and causing a rift between what community there is left.
Location: San Antonio, Tx
Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:57 pm Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: PotHed wrote:
Don't forget kittie! She agreed with Anfa.
Even I agree with you... to a point. But it's not the be all end all reason you're trying so hard to make it out to be.
Its one of the reasons. Yet the reasons are many.
I don't disagree that there are many. I am just saying that some problems are bigger than others and some problems are only symptoms of larger problems.
Quote: but please... go ahead and call me intellectually dishonest again. Or cite your world class expertise in everything... cause it makes you look so smart.
BTW: are you typing this from your moms basement before or after your shift at "the Box"?
See... two can play the lets put each other down game.... 
Do you think I'm ashamed of working at Jack in the Box? It's close by and they let me pick my own hours, and since they're open 24 hours, that allows me some flexibility. I've held more honorable jobs than you, and I've held waaaaaay cooler jobs than you. Hell, I just got offered a job working on season 4 of Swamp People, but I turned it down because can't travel to Louisiana right now. As soon as I'm out of school, I'll be back at it.
What are you doing that's so great again?
Saved many lives lately?
Seen your name in many movie credits lately?
Turned down jobs on TV shows lately?
Location: San Antonio, Tx
Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:02 pm Reply with quote
kittie wrote: I did agree that voting could be nixed at first.
However, once the idea that we, as the ones submitting the sources, and the ones voting, could agree to work for a higher variation together as a site, I decided that I'm more in favor of giving this a try as it's something that we can actually fix.
If the site owner decided to supply source images, I'd be fine with that.
If he decided to take away voting, I'd be fine with that. I'm not arguing that your points are invalid.
But they aren't around. We work with what we have and I'm much more in favor of arguing the options we HAVE vs. the ones we dream about.
A lot of people come here for the community, and I think that if we worked on a source project together it could increase participation and spirits as a whole vs. handing it all to the main man and telling him to deal with it and causing a rift between what community there is left.
If you think the members of the site can work towards variety, great. I agree that at least from a practical standpoint, because "the main man" probably isn't paying attention to this 300+ post thread, then doing it ourselves is probably a decent alternative. I just don't think it's a long-term solution. I think the topic will die (eventually, dog-willing) and people will fall back into the normal routine.
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