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Location: Seattle
Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:02 pm Reply with quote
Here's an idea I had for voting; let me know what you think...
Votes should be weighted based on your PScore. It could be a simple formula to determine the strength of an individual's vote. For example, your PScore divided by 50 (at the time of voting). I understand that this would make decimal places necessary, but I really think it would help things here a lot.
For starters, there would hardly ever be a tie, so your entry time wouldn't be AS important. Secondly, it could possibly increase participation. There are people who don't want to spend the time and effort chopping something only to have it get beat out by friend voting or lower-level choppers either not fully understanding the complexity of the work done or not noticing glaring issues in other chops that should rightfully keep them from placing.
Why should everyone's opinion here be equal? The skill levels are obviously not equal, so I think the voting should follow suit.
Just think for a second before reacting; if you made a movie and showed it to Steven Spielberg and a highschool student taking a film class, wouldn't you weigh their opinions differently?
I sure as hell would 
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:39 pm Reply with quote
Too many holes in this, personally, this has a ring of elitism to it. If my vote isn't worth as much as yours for instance why would I bother to vote? If you have a more valued vote the tendency would be to say "well what's his name voted for it so it must be good and there would be folow along votes.
This won't increase paticipationbut I think would lower participation. There is a varience of criteria in what makes people vote, including idea, humour as well as photoshop ability. So if I am funnier than another member do I get more voting power?
There are many great choppers here and If I get a vote from them so be it.
Location: White Noise
Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:58 pm Reply with quote
That would be interesting. It's already a boost to my ego to receive votes from the top choppers here. It would be nice to have that translate into weighted voting.
The problem I really have with the current voting system is the voting period itself. If you submit on the second day, forget it. The entry is on the second page, members pile votes on the top ten, and then the contest does't even show up on the home page anymore (visually). Most of the voting happens on the first day. Why not have one day of submission with a deadline, and then have two days of voting? All of the eligible entries would be up, and all would get equal consideration at least.
I'm sure we've all been perplexed by how some of our entries have fared. There are some alternate voting models we could examine to tweak what we have.
As a newcomer, I've thoroughly enjoyed participating here so far. At the risk of sounding like a whiner, the only aspect that bugs me is the voting system. 
Location: Seattle
Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:32 pm Reply with quote
seamusoisin wrote: Too many holes in this, personally, this has a ring of elitism to it. If my vote isn't worth as much as yours for instance why would I bother to vote? If you have a more valued vote the tendency would be to say "well what's his name voted for it so it must be good and there would be folow along votes.
This won't increase paticipationbut I think would lower participation. There is a varience of criteria in what makes people vote, including idea, humour as well as photoshop ability. So if I am funnier than another member do I get more voting power?
There are many great choppers here and If I get a vote from them so be it.
It is elitism. Some people are better at this than others and that fact is reflected in the PScore.
You don't think there are follow-along votes with the current system? I see it all the time. At least with my idea, the followers wouldn't have as much of an impact on the results.
I don't understand why this would keep people from voting  Dividing their PScore by 50 would still leave most people here with a half vote. That's not so bad.
If you are funnier than most people here, then yes, you have a better SENSE of humor; making you a better judge of humor. No matter what drove your PScore up, it's up there for a reason.
It would all work out the way it should. The great choppers would feel their vote is more meaningful and the lower skilled choppers would have to make an effort to increase their PScore if they want their vote to carry the same weight. Or, they could keep doing what they're doing now (not giving a shit).
Believe it or not, I have brought other people to this site and they are on the verge of quitting because their entries are overlooked by the friends and "follow-alongs" here, while lower quality images are making the top five. It can get frustrating very quickly and I understand where they are coming from. The only thing keeping them going is that they get votes from skilled choppers. It just doesn't make a difference in the standings.... currently.
Location: Belgium
Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:40 pm Reply with quote
meh me don't like the idea....
someone with a low pscore doesn't deserve to vote then? why not? because he/she is not that good?
okay i understand bout the comment stuff.... but believe me it would work for a couple of weeks and then a tread starts bout those annoying comments....
you've been there...they asked you to stop.
Is it that bad to have a first place tie? no it isn't it means people like the both entry's... okay so the first post will win the it a disaster?
i don't compete to win (if i compete) i just wanna do my thing with the source...there's no shame in being second or last or whatever
if i get votes/comments from top choppers...sweet
if i don't... who cares?
a vote is a vote, doesn't matter who gives it and a comment is the same..doesn't mean the person is not that good at chopping, they cant see what's wrong with the picture...
Location: Seattle
Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:13 pm Reply with quote
Tommeken wrote: meh me don't like the idea....
someone with a low pscore doesn't deserve to vote then? why not? because he/she is not that good?
okay i understand bout the comment stuff.... but believe me it would work for a couple of weeks and then a tread starts bout those annoying comments....
you've been there...they asked you to stop.
Is it that bad to have a first place tie? no it isn't it means people like the both entry's... okay so the first post will win the it a disaster?
i don't compete to win (if i compete) i just wanna do my thing with the source...there's no shame in being second or last or whatever
if i get votes/comments from top choppers...sweet
if i don't... who cares?
a vote is a vote, doesn't matter who gives it and a comment is the same..doesn't mean the person is not that good at chopping, they cant see what's wrong with the picture...
I never said someone with a low PScore doesn't deserve to vote. Their vote should just carry less weight than a more skilled chopper.
This is a CONTEST site. It is a skill-based competition. When an Olympic sport needs judges, do they ask amateurs? No, they get the people who are most knowledgable about the event. We have some very skilled and knowledgable members. They deserve to have more of a say; they've earned it.
Ties aren't a big deal. They don't happen often, but with this system they almost never would happen. Just a bonus.
Other sites have their highest skilled members act like watchdogs who can adjust the final results if they feel a mistake was made. That's too extreme. Worth1000 will remove an image entirely if they feel the quality is too low. That's too subjective. All I want is a weighted system. It seems fair.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:26 pm Reply with quote
cringer8 wrote: Why should everyone's opinion here be equal? The skill levels are obviously not equal, so I think the voting should follow suit.
Wait for it Tony... Quote: BECAUSE ART IS SUBJECTIVE!
You don't need to know how to make art, to appreciate what YOU like as art.
Therefore your vote... is as valid as my vote... is as valid as her vote... etc...
The ONLY voting idea change that should be floated around is cutting the votes down to about 10.
But then again... Just because you have 25... Doesn't mean you need to use 25

Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:34 pm Reply with quote
i find the layered mask idea more suitable , but i think the easiest way to solve this is using scale my friends
1 to 10 scales , the one who get the highest score is the winner of course people can vote for more than one entry
again adv people are most likely to have a better chance of winning whilst those who arnt must make and doubled effort
why not making a day for submission and 2 days for voting like worth1000 does
Location: Belgium
Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:50 pm Reply with quote
cringer8 wrote: Tommeken wrote: meh me don't like the idea....
someone with a low pscore doesn't deserve to vote then? why not? because he/she is not that good?
okay i understand bout the comment stuff.... but believe me it would work for a couple of weeks and then a tread starts bout those annoying comments....
you've been there...they asked you to stop.
Is it that bad to have a first place tie? no it isn't it means people like the both entry's... okay so the first post will win the it a disaster?
i don't compete to win (if i compete) i just wanna do my thing with the source...there's no shame in being second or last or whatever
if i get votes/comments from top choppers...sweet
if i don't... who cares?
a vote is a vote, doesn't matter who gives it and a comment is the same..doesn't mean the person is not that good at chopping, they cant see what's wrong with the picture...
I never said someone with a low PScore doesn't deserve to vote. Their vote should just carry less weight than a more skilled chopper.
This is a CONTEST site. It is a skill-based competition. When an Olympic sport needs judges, do they ask amateurs? No, they get the people who are most knowledgable about the event. We have some very skilled and knowledgable members. They deserve to have more of a say; they've earned it.
Ties aren't a big deal. They don't happen often, but with this system they almost never would happen. Just a bonus.
Other sites have their highest skilled members act like watchdogs who can adjust the final results if they feel a mistake was made. That's too extreme. Worth1000 will remove an image entirely if they feel the quality is too low. That's too subjective. All I want is a weighted system. It seems fair.
okay you've got me on the Olympic voting system....but there other methods out there to
Look at brittains got tallent or other shows like that...there's a jury and they have their say ..but the most important thing is the votes of the viewers at home....should their vote not count as much as the jury cause they don't know what they talking about?
strange cause they know what they like ...even if the act or dans or song has flaws....they still know what they like..
the comments from the jury are needed that's true..but should that count more as the peoples votes? don't think so...and i'm not gonna say to all these producers their voting system suck..i leave that honnor to you
i agree that there is some work at this site...but you'r almost discriminating (or what ever name you gonna give it)
each vote should be the same weight...
Location: Albany, NY
Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:52 pm Reply with quote
My vote is not as valid as others. I don't know what I'm looking at sometimes. I think the people who know more about photoshop technique should carry more weight with their votes.
Location: In a world of $#!t
Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:55 pm Reply with quote
because people who don't get votes think ART IS SUBJECTIVE!
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: Seattle
Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:04 pm Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote:
cringer8 wrote: Why should everyone's opinion here be equal? The skill levels are obviously not equal, so I think the voting should follow suit.
Wait for it Tony... Quote: BECAUSE ART IS SUBJECTIVE!
You don't need to know how to make art, to appreciate what YOU like as art.
Therefore your vote... is as valid as my vote... is as valid as her vote... etc...
The ONLY voting idea change that should be floated around is cutting the votes down to about 10.
But then again... Just because you have 25... Doesn't mean you need to use 25

You are confused, Sean.
The definition of "what is art?" is subjective. The work itself can easily be judged for quality and it is all of the time. The VALUE of the critique lies in the skill and knowledge of the judge.
Voting for something says you like it, and that's fine. Your opinion is valid. It's the WEIGHT of that opinion I'm talking about. Not everyone's opinion is equal... In anything in life. There are more educated and skilled people who's opinions are sought after in their respective fields. That's reality.
Location: Seattle
Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:11 pm Reply with quote
Tommeken wrote: cringer8 wrote: Tommeken wrote: meh me don't like the idea....
someone with a low pscore doesn't deserve to vote then? why not? because he/she is not that good?
okay i understand bout the comment stuff.... but believe me it would work for a couple of weeks and then a tread starts bout those annoying comments....
you've been there...they asked you to stop.
Is it that bad to have a first place tie? no it isn't it means people like the both entry's... okay so the first post will win the it a disaster?
i don't compete to win (if i compete) i just wanna do my thing with the source...there's no shame in being second or last or whatever
if i get votes/comments from top choppers...sweet
if i don't... who cares?
a vote is a vote, doesn't matter who gives it and a comment is the same..doesn't mean the person is not that good at chopping, they cant see what's wrong with the picture...
I never said someone with a low PScore doesn't deserve to vote. Their vote should just carry less weight than a more skilled chopper.
This is a CONTEST site. It is a skill-based competition. When an Olympic sport needs judges, do they ask amateurs? No, they get the people who are most knowledgable about the event. We have some very skilled and knowledgable members. They deserve to have more of a say; they've earned it.
Ties aren't a big deal. They don't happen often, but with this system they almost never would happen. Just a bonus.
Other sites have their highest skilled members act like watchdogs who can adjust the final results if they feel a mistake was made. That's too extreme. Worth1000 will remove an image entirely if they feel the quality is too low. That's too subjective. All I want is a weighted system. It seems fair.
okay you've got me on the Olympic voting system....but there other methods out there to
Look at brittains got tallent or other shows like that...there's a jury and they have their say ..but the most important thing is the votes of the viewers at home....should their vote not count as much as the jury cause they don't know what they talking about?
strange cause they know what they like ...even if the act or dans or song has flaws....they still know what they like..
the comments from the jury are needed that's true..but should that count more as the peoples votes? don't think so...and i'm not gonna say to all these producers their voting system suck..i leave that honnor to you
i agree that there is some work at this site...but you'r almost discriminating (or what ever name you gonna give it)
each vote should be the same weight...
If you read the credits at the end of the show, it clearly states that the producers reserve the right to change the results to their liking. That's show biz for you. They like to give people the impression of control, but in the end it's all about ratings and money
No voting system is perfect, but this site's is a bit silly.
Location: Belgium
Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:15 pm Reply with quote
cringer8 wrote: Tommeken wrote: cringer8 wrote: Tommeken wrote: meh me don't like the idea....
someone with a low pscore doesn't deserve to vote then? why not? because he/she is not that good?
okay i understand bout the comment stuff.... but believe me it would work for a couple of weeks and then a tread starts bout those annoying comments....
you've been there...they asked you to stop.
Is it that bad to have a first place tie? no it isn't it means people like the both entry's... okay so the first post will win the it a disaster?
i don't compete to win (if i compete) i just wanna do my thing with the source...there's no shame in being second or last or whatever
if i get votes/comments from top choppers...sweet
if i don't... who cares?
a vote is a vote, doesn't matter who gives it and a comment is the same..doesn't mean the person is not that good at chopping, they cant see what's wrong with the picture...
I never said someone with a low PScore doesn't deserve to vote. Their vote should just carry less weight than a more skilled chopper.
This is a CONTEST site. It is a skill-based competition. When an Olympic sport needs judges, do they ask amateurs? No, they get the people who are most knowledgable about the event. We have some very skilled and knowledgable members. They deserve to have more of a say; they've earned it.
Ties aren't a big deal. They don't happen often, but with this system they almost never would happen. Just a bonus.
Other sites have their highest skilled members act like watchdogs who can adjust the final results if they feel a mistake was made. That's too extreme. Worth1000 will remove an image entirely if they feel the quality is too low. That's too subjective. All I want is a weighted system. It seems fair.
okay you've got me on the Olympic voting system....but there other methods out there to
Look at brittains got tallent or other shows like that...there's a jury and they have their say ..but the most important thing is the votes of the viewers at home....should their vote not count as much as the jury cause they don't know what they talking about?
strange cause they know what they like ...even if the act or dans or song has flaws....they still know what they like..
the comments from the jury are needed that's true..but should that count more as the peoples votes? don't think so...and i'm not gonna say to all these producers their voting system suck..i leave that honnor to you
i agree that there is some work at this site...but you'r almost discriminating (or what ever name you gonna give it)
each vote should be the same weight...
If you read the credits at the end of the show, it clearly states that the producers reserve the right to change the results to their liking. That's show biz for you. They like to give people the impression of control, but in the end it's all about ratings and money
No voting system is perfect, but this site's is a bit silly.
then why are you here?
ReyRey i couldn't care less how much votes we have i hardly use them...
but saying not all votes are the same discriminating
saying opinions from top choppers are more important cause they know the how and the why.. i agree with that...but that got nothing to do with voting...that's an opinion or advice or critique...
Location: Belgium
Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:35 pm Reply with quote
10 votes to give.
10 dollars everyday for the winner and this site will grow
no more speedchops.
open contest.
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