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Location: Seattle, WA (US)
Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:38 am Reply with quote
Not allowing contestants to vote = the best idea I've heard from this whole topic. 
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:05 am Reply with quote
Thanks roger. Wouldn't be perfect... But it would stop some from not voting for good images just because they don't want to lose.
cringer8 wrote: Believe it or not, I have brought other people to this site and they are on the verge of quitting because their entries are overlooked by the friends and "follow-alongs" here, while lower quality images are making the top five. It can get frustrating very quickly and I understand where they are coming from. The only thing keeping them going is that they get votes from skilled choppers. It just doesn't make a difference in the standings.... currently.
I'm just curious.. what images have been overlooked? Making top five isn't what it used to be. Like others have said... if all you're here for is winning... maybe its time to move along.
Now, for me... just because someone has good execution doesn't mean that I'm a zombie and I must vote for it... Wow he really made that boring... but he executed the boring perfectly! If it bores me... I don't give a flip about good execution. Thus the being subjective part of my first reply to you Ryan.
I'm not everyone... but I'd like to think I go through each entry and give everyone a fair shake. I don't look at whos winning... I go through the entries under the default setting. Doesn't matter who you are... If I like your image, but not you... I'm going to vote for it anyway... Ask arc. If I like you, but not your image... sorry, try harder next time. Ask Tes.
Look, the way PSC has always been...
great idea with decent execution > great execution and a decent/boring idea.
This place used to be about making fun/cool images as fast as you could. Now if you can get a great idea + good/great execution... well... you've got yourself a winner.
Again. MOST times the cream rises to the top. If you get 3rd place or 8th does it really matter that much to you? Hell, I remember when getting a top 10 was a accomplishment! The only time winners matter is for prize money... I haven't seen too many contests where the winner didn't deserve that first place prize.
We don't need to give more weight to certain members.. like Anfa said. Why would he vote for anyone if he's entered in the contest? He'd shoot himself in the foot.
Either make it so the participants can't vote, or limit their votes to just a few. That way if they really want to vote for their buddy... it's not as harmful.
regardless... this is a moot point. Nothing is going to change until someone who cares enough... buys this site.
Location: Right here
Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:07 am Reply with quote
cool! when does the new vote system start?
_________________ When I walk across the water, then my critics say, he can't even swim!
Location: On the way to Utopia!
Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:36 am Reply with quote
Quote: I'm not everyone... but I'd like to think I go through each entry and give everyone a fair shake. I don't look at whos winning... I go through the entries under the default setting. Doesn't matter who you are... If I like your image, but not you... I'm going to vote for it anyway... Ask arc. If I like you, but not your image... sorry, try harder next time. Ask Tes.
It's true... he never vote for me
And I still luf him
Do I care for the vote system?
I care to chop. And when I'm done, I start the next chop.
All those threads about the systems that never changes... just ruined good chopping time!
Location: In a world of $#!t
Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:46 am Reply with quote
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: In a world of $#!t
Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:48 am Reply with quote
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: Geordieland, UK
Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:02 am Reply with quote
I know who can fix the voting system!
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:21 am Reply with quote
Tesore wrote: Quote: I'm not everyone... but I'd like to think I go through each entry and give everyone a fair shake. I don't look at whos winning... I go through the entries under the default setting. Doesn't matter who you are... If I like your image, but not you... I'm going to vote for it anyway... Ask arc. If I like you, but not your image... sorry, try harder next time. Ask Tes.
It's true... he never vote for me
And I still luf him
Not true. I do vote for you... when I like your image!

Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:22 am Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote:
me too!
good to see you back ReyHey!
Location: White Noise
Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:37 pm Reply with quote
If I was chopping for purely my own satisfaction, then I would only chop original photographs to make original work, and I would spend more time on each chop. I'm here because it's a contest site, and I like a little competition to give me some incentive to chop these source images. It's a game, and, while it is fun, I also have fun trying to win or at least place. That's why we have voting, stats, and Advantage memberships in the first place, right? I just don't like seeing anyone's good work lost in the shuffle or undervoted. Usually the top image does come in first. It's entries 2-12 that can get a little screwy.
Art is visual communication, and yes it is subjective. As an art teacher I must strive to keep my evaluations as objective as possible with rubrics. I spend a lot of time evaluating, so coming here is nice for me because I am subjecting myself to the evaluation of others (for a change). It may just be the teacher and artist in me, but I like assessments to be as authentic as possible.
I think that with the size of this community, we have the opportunity for a more substantial voting system.
At the very least, fewer votes to throw around and separate submission/voting deadlines would probably clean it up enough for now.
Nothing wrong with looking for change. Kicking a dead horse might not help him, but (to quote Randall P. McMurphy) "it don't hurt him either, does it?"
Location: Australia
Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:10 pm Reply with quote
Vote Dont Vote
Chop Dont Chop
Win Dont Win
Play Dont Play
Thats the beauty of a free site you get to choose the amount of interaction YOU want to have. Right or Wrong this place has been here for a long time and will continue to be here for a lot longer, (I hope) so why spend so much time in trying to fix it instead of enjoying the good it has to offer.
(Yep I know people want to make it better but the truth is in my opinion it runs pretty well as it is, if you want all the hyp and contraversy of other sites...well...then play there.)
Location: Belgium
Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:57 pm Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote:
(Yep I know people want to make it better but the truth is in my opinion it runs pretty well as it is, if you want all the hyp and contraversy of other sites...well...then play there.)
It doesn't run well at all, hence all the topics. You've been here for a long time too, so I don't understand how you see this site running well. How many active advantage members are there left compared to let's say 3-5 years ago? If you do the math, it's obvious this website doesn't generate enough income and no matter how much some people like it the way it is now, the owner is not a hobbyist. It's pure business to them and businesses are generated for making profits, if not, they shut down.
My bet? If nothing changes fast, the owner will run this site till he got his investment back and sell it again and we can only hope to get an owner who is slightly involved in Photoshop and knows how to run a site like this.
And it has nothing to do with old members moving on with their lives, other contest sites continue to grow or run aswell as they were 5 years ago because they keep attracting new members who replace the ones who leave and keep it balanced.
I'm sure a lot (including me) went elsewhere, but that doesn't mean we don't care about PSC anymore. PSC is for many of us the place where our passion for Photoshop was born and that's not something to easily put aside.
Location: Australia
Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:39 pm Reply with quote
kinetic_be wrote: blue_lurker wrote:
(Yep I know people want to make it better but the truth is in my opinion it runs pretty well as it is, if you want all the hyp and contraversy of other sites...well...then play there.)
It doesn't run well at all, hence all the topics. You've been here for a long time too, so I don't understand how you see this site running well. How many active advantage members are there left compared to let's say 3-5 years ago? If you do the math, it's obvious this website doesn't generate enough income and no matter how much some people like it the way it is now, the owner is not a hobbyist. It's pure business to them and businesses are generated for making profits, if not, they shut down.
My bet? If nothing changes fast, the owner will run this site till he got his investment back and sell it again and we can only hope to get an owner who is slightly involved in Photoshop and knows how to run a site like this.
And it has nothing to do with old members moving on with their lives, other contest sites continue to grow or run aswell as they were 5 years ago because they keep attracting new members who replace the ones who leave and keep it balanced.
I'm sure a lot (including me) went elsewhere, but that doesn't mean we don't care about PSC anymore. PSC is for many of us the place where our passion for Photoshop was born and that's not something to easily put aside.
and thats the beauty of PSC every one is allowed to have an opinion thanks for proving my point about it not being broken.
If the question is if it functions to your expectations then I guess thats up to you to deciede, for me Quote: but the truth is in my opinion it runs pretty well I still stand by what I said...see it works just fine for me.
(On a side note I never mentioned not careing or why members are not visiting or why older members have left not interested to tell the truth. I have put my time in to PSC just as much as any others Im here to ENJOY the site I love the way it is or the way it may be, nothing more nothing less.)
Location: Seattle
Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:36 pm Reply with quote
People are saying "if winning is important, then just leave." How retarded. Maybe we should change the site name to and get rid of voting altogether.
This is a COMPETITION site. Forgive me and others for being competitive here. Maybe the downfall of this site came about because the majority of people left here aren't taking it seriously.
Maybe those people are the ones who need to leave. Go chop your own shit and post it on Facebook for your friends. The nonchalant attitude around here is ruining contests. Some people are content to hang out with their small group of friends here and fart around. Those people don't realize that it isn't helping to grow the site. If the site isn't growing, it's dying and their precious hangout will be gone forever.
I agree, Sean, that the best image wins 9 out of 10 times. But the winner isn't the problem. It's new people coming, trying, and then leaving because their work is being ignored in favor of shittier work (both idea and execution), simply because we have too many people here throwing their "buddies" a bone in hopes of a return vote or God knows what. I've seen your voting patterns, and you are certainly not the problem here.
I also realize that the ownership is absent and nothing will change, but it doesn't hurt to talk about it and maybe come up with a better system. Who knows, the site might be sold tomorrow and the new owner might want to change things up. Wouldn't it be nice to have a well thought out and thoroughly discussed system ready to go?
And Anfa, your worries would only come true if you were the ONLY person with a high PScore to vote in the contest. Hardly anyone has a score of 100, so no vote would be worth even two votes. Just around 1.5. That won't kill your chances.
This site could be so much better if people stopped treating it like the Special Olympics and started getting serious. This whole nonsense of "winning isn't important" was clearly started by people who can't win. Those people would like to make you and me feel bad for wanting to win, but that's bullshit. It's loser talk and it needs to go, along with those people.
If we can't change the system, maybe we need to change our attitudes and take the voting more seriously.
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