Last years winning team: 'The Pork Chops' brings you the new ScavHunt 2012!
Only for the brave: we dare you! Soon, very soon in this Theater...
We decided to throw a Halloween theme to this years SCAV to make it more exciting. Some tasks will have something
to do with Halloween. Others won't to keep the Scav tradition going.
Get your teams together now. Post them here and send them in to the Email below!!!
Only one month to get signed up, SO LETS GO!!!!
Starts ........................................................................................... Saturday 29 September
Ends ............................................................................................. Saturday 20 October
The jury will make up their minds and counts points till ..................... Saturday 27 October
The jury will announce the winning team on ...................................... Sunday 28 October 2012
Once again, we are using the rules from the past ScavHunts because they work so good...
To start: Send your Team name and the (nick)names from each member to:
You can send your tasks also to this Email address!
➤ A team consists of at least 2 and up to 4 people.
➤ You can't be on more than one team.
➤ As the winners of the last scavenger hunt, we will create a wacky list of 12 items you will have to take pictures of, Photoshop, find on the Internet, or otherwise creatively produce and we will include brief instructions of what you must do for each item.
➤ We send your task back if you didn't:
➤ Place your Team name and task number on it!
➤ Once a task has been completed and sent in, it is frozen, there will be no replacement files accepted so make sure your entry is finished.
➤ If you have a question, ask on the PSC forum, maybe you help others with the same problem / question.
➤ Upload entries up to 1280x960 / 512KB
➤ The team with the highest total will WIN the full and exclusive rights to run/create/judge the next scavenger hunt.
➤ Send in all your tasks before Saturday 20 October 2012, midnight. (PSC time)
➤ These rules could change at short notice if the judges find the need to change them.
For those that haven't seen this or participated in the past. Here's a look at last years ScavHunt hosted by SPACEMONKEYS.
(Well done guys and hope to see you back this year competing!)
You should use this thread to find teammates, announcing your team and team name and also some taunting. After you team is finalized, once again, please announce it here and Email it to with all of your team members listed.
The 12 tasks will be announced in another thread on September 29, 2012 at or around 8am EST PSC time.
Have fun and good luck!
The Pork Chops.