killswitchengage wrote:
hey guys maybe i will participate but even after visiting the links above i still dont get it
what is this contest
Most comps have been hosted on a temparary website, so I couldn't find any to show. There may be some still out there, but I couldn't
find any. That could be a good thing..... I'll look some more and post it here if I find any.
On Sept 29th. The Pork Chops will post 12 tasks of what your team needs to do.
Its up to you and your teammates to decided who does what and what you need to do together.
I can tell you that a couple tasks this year will have nothing to do with Photoshop, but may require a team effort to accomplish.
My first Scav I about shit when I seen the list of to do's!!

It thought the Scav would be about Photoshop and chopping images.
Man was I wrong...
We had one task that required us to protest at a fast food chain and got extra points if we where escorted out of the building
with photos!!!
I wanted the hell out of the comp, but by the end I was laughing so hard I knew I wanted to do it again! It was Fun as hell!!
Don't get me wrong, You will need to do some serious ass choppin' too!
Hope to see you team up and give it a go. Life is to short to watch it just pass by. JUMP IN AND HAVE FUN!
You have nothing to loose.