Fillet au poivre...
Grind some black pepper in a plate (till you cover the bottom) and rest three steaks of picanha (the cullote of the top sirloin), or any other sirloin or tenderloin steaks. When I say grind I MEAN GRIND. DonŽt use pregrinded pepper. Make sure to cover both sides of the steaks with pepper.
Preheat a frying pan and cook the steaks over high heat for about a minute each side, so the pepper gets stuck on the pan. YouŽll see the meat release the blood after that. DonŽt salt it until the meat releases the blood. If you do that, the salt will suck the juice from the meat and youŽll eat a dry steak. YouŽll fucking ruin the recipe. DONŽT DO IT!!!
LetŽs go on...
Throw a tablespoon of butter in the pan. NOW you can salt the meat. Let it cook in the melted butter over LOW fire for a few (2 or 3) minutes each side.
Put the steaks in a separate plate. Now youŽll get a tablespoon or two of cognac (brandy) and mix with the butter and pepper that is stuck in the pan. Make sure to release all that is stuck in the pan. ThereŽs a lot of flavour in there that canŽt be wasted. Throw around 4 or 5 ounces of cream over it and let it cook for a while over high heat. When the cream start to thicken, pour it gently over the meat that is resting in the plate.
Grind some more black pepper over it and voilá!!! You can make rice and potatoes to complement the dish.