For those who don't care, well... you just made the pandas cry. Get outta here - move along to the next topic.
For those who have received bribes, er I mean who care, I am back. But definitely not 100%. Maybe 30%... maybe. I was very ill the last several months. Some here know that I was diagnosed with a gnarly disorder a couple years ago that has no defined treatment. So since last June I've been running a gamut of experimental options. The last treatment in December almost killed me (so much for the "Do no harm" oath) and nearly wiped out my immune system. I'm done experimenting.
I need your help more than votes. Even without the extra "boost" caused by the experimental meds, my perception is going to get wonky. Please leave comments on my entries. I can't say 'look out for weird ideas' because that's actually normal for me. But I guess I'm looking for feedback regarding blatant technical foo-paws: truly strange colors, lawnmower cuts, cattywampus shadow or lighting - stuff like that. I was never the best - I will never be the best - but I think I was somewhere in the middle. So if I look like I'm drowning in the kiddie pool, please speak up.
What I think I see is not always what I actually see. So just need some guidance. Ironically. Apparently I need to hire new pandas.
I really really really do not care about votes. Besides, I'm trying very hard to secure my last place seed for the Spring H2H tourney.

I neither need nor want pity - it won't change anything. Besides, if I'm truly desperate to be showered with undeserved praise, I have my own colony of minions I can bribe. I would like your help.
I'm going to try to participate in 1-2 contests per week.
Thank you,
Some loon Guided By Pandas
p.s. If you participated in the video project I started last.. century??... oh, Summer, I'll be resuming the final stage within a week or so. I had to shelf all things creative while I was sick. By Grabthar's Hammer, by the suns of Warvan, you shall be avenged!!! Or at least see your effort on several channels.