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Location: Norway

Post Wed May 08, 2013 11:09 am   Reply with quote         

Eve wrote:
Wonder why there's only two source pics to choose from?

It's because you lazy choppers Sarcasm aren't taking walks, taking pictures and submitting them as sources.

We're looking for great sources for consideration for the upcoming Annual Reunion Comp, too! Very Happy

I have now posted about 30 images.

SH Shocked Very Happy

Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

Location: Bucharest, Romania

Post Wed May 08, 2013 11:16 am   Reply with quote         

ShootHerman wrote:

I have now posted about 30 images.

SH Shocked Very Happy

Second Hand?


Location: On Deck, South by Southeast

Post Wed May 08, 2013 11:35 am   Reply with quote         

30 images? Good start, now keep going. Laughing Laughing Laughing

My total is 627 submitted. Smile

I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.



Post Wed May 08, 2013 4:19 pm   Reply with quote         

I just submitted three images


Location: Norway

Post Wed May 08, 2013 4:42 pm   Reply with quote         

YerPalAl wrote:
30 images? Good start, now keep going. Laughing Laughing Laughing

My total is 627 submitted. Smile

YerPalAl: You have been a member here now for 10 years.
I have been here for 2 years. The last 2 months I have posted 73 images.

When I have been here at 10 years, I know I will beat you with your 627. Laughing Laughing Laughing Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Shocked Shocked
Now concentrate on posting images in the contests instead of submitting all the time.

We also need images in the contests! Others can submit images.
Razz Razz Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy


Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.

Location: Hotel California

Post Wed May 08, 2013 4:43 pm   Reply with quote         

YerPalAl wrote:
30 images? Good start, now keep going. Laughing Laughing Laughing

My total is 627 submitted. Smile

Bow I for one greatly appreciate all the images you've donated to the to the cause, (except for that glow in the dark wand thingy) and think you deserve much more worthy praise / attention than you get around here.



Location: Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Post Thu May 09, 2013 5:24 am   Reply with quote         

How about this one? It comes with this back story...


Location: On Deck, South by Southeast

Post Thu May 09, 2013 8:07 am   Reply with quote         

Sorry, its not the right proportions. Confused

ShootHerman, I Know, lad. I'm just yanking you around. Wink
Believe me if I had more time I would enter more contests, but that is not an option these days.

Tarmac, thank YOU for your appreciation.

and now, a commercial break Razz :

I will have a booth in Morehead City's ARTRAGEOUS art show May 18/19. If anyone is near enough to eastern North Carolina to come by and visit it would be great to see you there. That would be May 18/19, that's Saturday and SUNday, Sunday, sunday . . . . . in Morehead City, North Carolina.

BE there or be . . . well, you know. Wink

I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.


Location: Brazil

Post Thu May 09, 2013 8:17 am   Reply with quote         

... 6 or 7 submitted yesterday....
Why today still appears only one to vote?

Site Moderator

Location: North Carolina

Post Thu May 09, 2013 1:32 pm   Reply with quote         

I still exist btw. Have been silently keeping the queue afloat for the past month or so by restoring old submissions. Nice to see a fresh batch in there, I'll be going through them right now.
Site Moderator

Location: Planet Earth

Post Thu May 09, 2013 3:56 pm   Reply with quote         

billtvshow wrote:
I still exist btw. Have been silently keeping the queue afloat for the past month or so by restoring old submissions. Nice to see a fresh batch in there, I'll be going through them right now.

Great to hear you still exist!

While you're here, can we schedule a date for the Annual Reunion Comp? No news from Tony so is Trey capable of sending the blast email to all members once a date's set?

Oh, and if you're still reading this, are you free in the foreseeable future to set up the H2H? Very Happy

If you're going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance!
thank u Tawiskaro

Location: Israel>Vancouver

Post Fri May 10, 2013 4:19 pm   Reply with quote         


Nine bucks at the craft store, hours of fun.
"remember life is nonsense so wear silly shoes." - Noel fielding
"Found a bouncy ball behind the couch. Nothing is getting accomplished today."

Location: Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Post Sun May 12, 2013 8:41 am   Reply with quote         

YerPalAl wrote:

neurotoxic wrote:

Thu May 09, 2013 11:24 am

How about this one? It comes with this back story...

Sorry, its not the right proportions. Confused

Fixed and uploaded; I'm looking through my folders and will upload more...


Location: Israel>Vancouver

Post Sun May 12, 2013 10:18 am   Reply with quote         

maybe you could make an exception for the reunion and accept vertical sources? Idea Idea

Nine bucks at the craft store, hours of fun.
"remember life is nonsense so wear silly shoes." - Noel fielding
"Found a bouncy ball behind the couch. Nothing is getting accomplished today."

Location: Indiana, PA

Post Sun May 12, 2013 2:14 pm   Reply with quote         

nevet wrote:
maybe you could make an exception for the reunion and accept vertical sources? Idea Idea

They need to accept vertical sources period! Wink


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